25-Year-Old Woman Almost LOST HER EYE Due To Ulcer Caused By Contacts!

This is scary!

A 25-year-old woman in the UK nearly lost her vision (and her entire eye) after developing an infection! According to the DailyMail.com on Friday, Steph Carrasco (not pictured above) was experiencing itchiness in her eye when she went to visit an eye doctor, thinking she was just having some irritation from daily contact use. But it’s a damn good thing she sought help!

Once with her doc, he discovered she had an “aggressive bacteria” in her eye which was causing her to develop an ulcer on her cornea. Per the Cleveland Clinic, the cornea is the “clear window” in the front of your eye, and an ulcer on it is “considered a medical emergency” because it can lead to vision loss and blindness within a very short amount of time.

“Terrified,” Steph was rushed to the hospital as her condition worsened and she was “barely” able to see. She stayed for a week and received 72 drops of antibiotics in her eye daily! They hoped this would reduce the size of the ulcer, but when it didn’t shrink, she had to undergo an emergency corneal transplant. Per the outlet, optometrist Jack Brenton expressed:

“This was a very aggressive bacteria that needed immediate treatment, so I’m pleased we got her into the hospital immediately, so the infection did not advance any further.”

It has now been three weeks since the surgery and Steph’s vision has improved somewhat — but she’s hoping by next month she will have made a full recovery. Either way, she’s grateful she got help when she did, revealing:

“I was told by the medical staff at the hospital that the bacteria in my eye was so harsh that if it had been left any longer, I would have lost my eye completely.”

Holy s**t!

Apparently, this isn’t even a very rare thing! Per the Cleveland Clinic, there are anywhere between 30,000 and 75,000 cases of corneal ulcers a year in the US and 12% of corneal transplants are due to ulcers. Those who wear contacts are 10 times more likely to develop one — and if you sleep in your contacts, your changes jump to 100 times more likely! Y’all better be super careful about what you do with your eyes, especially if you wear contacts! Things can change, well… in the blink of an eye! Badum tss!

In all seriousness, we’re glad she’s on the mend! Reactions, Perezcious readers? Let us know (below)!

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