Inside Richard Madeley and son-in-law James Haskell's heated clashes

Inside Richard Madeley and son-in-law James Haskell’s heated clashes after it was revealed he has split from wife Chloe Madeley

Richard Madeley has had his fair share of heated clashes with son-in-law James Haskell over the years, even resorting to a rather candid ‘f**k off’ during one confrontation.

A source revealed that Richard, a presenter on Good Morning Britain, was particularly unhappy with James’ recent behaviour and was planning to address the issue before the split was announced.

They told The Sun: ‘As a father, he wants the best for his daughter and he won’t be afraid to make his feelings heard.’ 

In addition to being spotted partying with other women while working as a DJ, James made headlines when he was photographed in close company with a blonde woman, who later turned out to be a PR advisor.

James, who recently confirmed his split from Richard’s daughter, Chloe Madeley, has spoken up in the past about tensions with his father in law.

Heated: Richard Madeley was reportedly planning to ‘have words’ with son-in-law James Haskell prior to his daughter Chloe Madeley announcing her split (pictured here with wife Judy, Chloe and James and their daughter Bodhi)

Doting dad: An source revealed that Richard was particularly unhappy with James’ recent behaviour and was planning to address the issue before the split was announced

He told of an incident when he politely asked Richard to step aside to ensure a ‘stress-free’ Christmas dinner, due to a previous Boxing Day turning sour between the two men . 

Speaking on This Morning in January, he recounted how his previous attempts to engage in friendly banter in the kitchen didn’t go down well with Richard.

He recalled how his famous father-in-law had a bit of a temper when it came to cooking under stress so had banned him from helping out with the festive meal.

James explained: ‘This year he [Richard] wasn’t allowed to cook because the first time I met him, I got invited over on Boxing Day. 

‘I was told he can be a little bit tricky in the kitchen, don’t go in there. Of course, that was a red rag to a bull, son-in-law wanting to make a good impression.’

He went on to say: ‘I went in there and gave him a bit of chat. He used one of those ‘f’ words and I quickly went back to my wife and said ‘I probably need to go, your father has just told me to go away’.’

James and Chloe, who married in 2018, were encouraged by Richard to adopt the Madeley surname rather than for Chloe to ditch her maiden name. 

Speaking on Loose Women in 2019 James recalled: ‘He tried to get me to be James Madeley. 

Awkward: James has spoken up in the past about tensions with his father in law, receiting an incident at Christmas where he was told to ‘f off’

Name game: James and Chloe, who married in 2018, were encouraged by Richard to adopt the Madeley surname rather than for Chloe to ditch her maiden name

Over: In a joint update shared to Instagram, they announced: ‘Chloe and I mutually decided separate at the end of September, 2023’

‘We did a show, I think that’s coming out in the summer with Dermot O’Leary, and he (Richard) made it Team Madeley and tried to call me James Madeley, and I was like, ‘It’s two Haskells and a Madeley!’. But he’s British TV heritage, so I just did as I was told.’ 

Chloe also touched upon the naming issue earlier this year, revealing her reluctance to change her surname to Haskell, a choice that didn’t sit well with her ‘traditional husband.’

She expressed on a podcast, ‘He wants to feel like I’ve taken on his name and I’m proud of it and I wear it like a badge of honour. This is my badge of honour.’

It comes afterChloe Madeley confirmed she had split from her husband James in a joint statement released on Saturday.

Taking to Instagram, they announced: ‘Chloe and I mutually decided separate at the end of September, 2023.

‘We had not planned on releasing a statement at this time – certainly not while the television show was airing – but constant speculation about our marriage has, unfortunately, forced our hand.

‘Beyond this statement, we will not be speaking about this matter publicly, and we would request privacy at this time.

‘Our sole focus now is our beautiful daughter. We shall continue to co-parent with nothing but love.’

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