Kourtney Kardashian Reveals An Extra Ultrasound 'Saved' Her Unborn Baby Ahead Of Emergency Fetal Surgery

Kourtney Kardashian is ready to speak out about the emergency fetal surgery that saved her pregnancy.

Of course, earlier this month, the Poosh founder sat down with Vanity Fair Italia for a long interview. But in that chat, she specifically told the outlet she was not ready to discuss the terrifying pregnancy surgery she had weeks ago. Now, though, in a brand-new interview with Vogue, the 44-year-old is opening up a bit about what she went through.

In a sit-down published on Tuesday, Travis Barker‘s wife revealed the procedure “saved my baby’s life,” and without it, tragedy would have struck. But interestingly, as Kourt explained, the surgery only came about because she did an extra ultrasound as part of what she figured would be a routine pregnancy check-up. Explaining how fortunate she was to have decided on the extra ultrasound, Kourt said:

“That experience opened my eyes to a whole new world of pregnancy that I didn’t know about in the past. It was terrifying. After, I learned that insurance typically only covers two ultrasounds when you’re pregnant. I had no idea. I’ve always been lucky enough to do more than what insurance covers, and it’s one of those ultrasounds that saved my baby’s life.”


So, not only is it super fortunate that the ultrasound caught whatever was going on, it’s also insightful to have Kourt realize how the other half lives. No shade on her and the KarJenner fam for killing it in the biz world, obviously. Good for them! But it’s buoying to hear how this has opened her eyes to the plight of normal folk who don’t have access to endless medical procedures! Ya know?!

Kourt goes on to admit to feeling “really pressured” to undergo in vitro fertilization when attempting to conceive. That pressure, she says, lifted once she and the Blink-182 drummer decided to stop, and instead opt for nature to take its course:

“I felt really pressured and pushed into doing IVF. It went against my intuition, and I didn’t feel fully prepared for the mental or physical toll is takes. … We just got pregnant naturally. It was an indescribable feeling. Shock, then super-happy, fear sets in, worry, but I remembered then to have gratitude.”

Gratitude indeed!

Now, as Kourtney’s pregnancy gets close to term, she’s… not stressing much at all! You’d expect her to be hyper-vigilant about a birth plan after all she just went through in recent weeks, but it sounds like she’s zen AF at this point. Referencing the previous births of her kids Mason, 13, Penelope, 11, and Reign, 8, the Lemme founder said this about going into the big day for this fourth time around:

“I’ve actually never had a birth plan in the past. I was so chill when my water broke with Mason, I shaved my legs and put on makeup. This time, I still don’t have a birth plan except for talking to the baby all the time and telling him, ‘everything is going to be amazing.’ … “I’ve finally been able to let go of the fear and worry that everybody else put in us because of this pregnancy. I’m ready to go in, have the baby, and have the experience we’re meant to have.”

Nice! We are so glad to hear that!

Lots to take in, indeed. And crazy about that ultrasound — thank goodness it caught what it was supposed to catch! So thankful!

What say U, Perezcious readers??

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