Drawing rude messages on dirty vans could land you with a £5,000 fine

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    It seems like a bit of harmless fun to write messages on dirty cars.

    But as amusing as it may seem to etch penis shapes or swear words into the grime, putting your finger onto a stranger's vehicle could land you with a hefty fine. £5,000 to be precise!

    The motoring experts at LeaseVan.co.uk explained that you can be prosecuted under the 1986 Public Order Act. Vandals could be found guilty of an offence if they display anything deemed threatening, abusive or insulting.

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    Car owners who feel intentionally harassed by the graffiti can report incidents to the police. It may be deemed criminal damage – and if caught, culprits could be imprisoned for six months and fined thousands of pounds.

    Tim Alcock from LeaseVan.co.uk urged people not to engage in the seemingly innocent activity. He said: “While driving on any British road it is common to see some sort of genitalia drawn on the back of a dirt white van.

    “It may seem like a cracking idea to doodle on dirty vehicles, but owners may not see the funny side. If dirt and grime build up on vehicles, it may be tempting to have a bit of fun, but there could be serious consequences if the owner thinks they’ve caused damage.

    “Doodling swear words onto vehicles, or prolific imagery, may also be seen as threatening, abusive or insulting by the owner who can report the vehicle defacer to the police. For a seemingly innocent act seen as a bit of fun by most, those found guilty could face hefty fines of £5,000 and even imprisonment.

    “Vehicle owners can be very protective of their automobiles so it is best to steer clear of any vehicle that isn’t your own. With colder and wetter months approaching, vehicles will be getting dirtier quicker, so it is recommended that owners frequently wash their automobiles to deter these so-called artists.”

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