‘I used AI-powered robot to mow my lawn – it cut grass as I sat and drank wine’

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    We've finally got a glimmer of summer despite being in the early days of autumn.

    Us Brits hold onto the hope of being rewarded with at least three months of sunshine – yet it never materialises. Most of us have been stuck indoors rather than enjoying the most of our gardens.

    And if you look out the window now, you'll probably notice that your garden resembles more of a jungle. With a downpour of rain for the majority of the summer months , the grass has been able to run wild.

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    This often results in a hefty mowing job – but, what if we told you that you could kick back with a glass of wine or cold pint and let an AI-powered robot do the hard work for you.

    Well, that's what Daily Star reporter Layla Nicholson did…

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    I got a robot lawn mower – Segway Navimow – so I could review the four-wheeled intelligent garden tool to see if the future of trimming was best left to the bots. Unlike just plugging a bog-standard mower in, the robotic lawn cutting device needs to be set up first.

    There's no perimeter wiring – so machine wires and extension leads be gone. This is a handy feature of the model which reduces the risks of cutting into any wires and allows you to reach all spots in the garden.

    Unlike a normal mower, where it's easy as flinging the wire over your shoulder, holding the lever and cutting to your hearts content as the noisy machine chugs away, the set up proved a bit of a faff at first – mainly because of my terrible Wi-Fi.

    Although, the set-up of the mower is worth the pay off. To use the Navimow, you need to download the Navimow Segway app in order to control the robot. And after spending about 10 minutes to find a good position for the mower, I finally found a spot where the connection would play game.

    Before you just let the mower run loose around your turf, you have to create a virtual boundary on your phone, including around any objects in the garden. For me, that was a well.

    I drew the barriers on my phone and let the Navimow loose off of its starting point with the attached rule as it scanned the surrounding area. So would it crash into anything?

    Due to the AI chip within the robot, the VisionFence Sensor allows the Navimow to establish any obstacles – and avoid them – including moving ones. Despite not having any kids nor pets to test this AI sensor ability out, I sacrificed my partner to make sure the robot was working correctly – and spoiler alert, he still has his feet.

    Once the robot managed to familiarise itself with its route, it impressively found its way back to the starting point ready to commence the cutting at my command. Either a press of one of two buttons on the robot, or it can be activated via the app.

    I poured myself a small glass of red and at the click of a button on my phone, off the Navimow went. I felt a sense of pride as it followed its systematic mowing pattern that makes sure there are less tracks left on the garden.

    Usually, you can hear a mower from the bottom of the street. But the Navimow was impressively quiet, meaning you can maintain your garden without annoying the neighbours. According to Segway, the Navimow operates at a volume level similar to that of an electric tooth brush, and that I'd agree with.

    As the enjoyable time sipping on some red shows, the Navimow makes cutting your grass a relaxing experience and an easy one too. You can set up a schedule for it to activate and cut away – and I even could track the progress of the mower as the percentage of its work flashes on the bot and the app.

    Even better, you don't have to worry about some rainfall or even a jet wash ruining the AI product as the mower has an IPX6 Waterproof Level. Come rain or shine, you'll have a turf to make your neighbours green with envy.

    So to conclude, is the Navimow worth it? The big question is, did it cut the grass? Yes, and to a decent level.

    I wasn't blown away with an immaculate lawn – the grass quality was a bit shabby in the first place – but with consistent cutting, then the Navimow is at the top of the gardening tool game.

    Personally, I wouldn't spend £1,499 pounds on the mower, because one we're in a cost of living crisis and two my garden isn't big enough for me to be inconvenienced by out of control grass.

    The Navimow has Exact Fusion Locating System (EFLS) which eliminates the worry of the theft. If the robot is moved outside of its virtual boundary, then you'll get an alert sent to your phone – which is handy considering the price tag of the wheeled machine.

    If I had to the money to spare and a larger garden, then the Navimow would be an investment and an impressive one. I came to grow attached to the Navimow. It was almost like a pet, but with less hassle and more AI. And let's not forget, robot lawn mowers are just, well, cool. So on that note, Navimow wins on this one.

    Watch your back grass, AI is coming for you!

    For more information about the product, you can access the Segway website here.

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