I was so happy with my perfect husband – but then I checked his phone

My husband gave me my dream life and everything was perfect until I opened his phone and saw two messages

  • A woman was stunned when she looked at her husband’s phone
  • She found out he was cheating on her with her friend 
  • READ MORE: Wives and girlfriends reveal why they cheated on their partners

A woman shared the moment her ‘perfect’ life came crumbling down when she realised her husband of 13 years was secretly sleeping with one of her friends.

Charlotte*, 33, first met her husband, Rob*, when she was just 18 years old and the couple got married two years later.

She claimed Rob was the ‘best’ and financially supported her while she pursued her passions – never complaining about their lack of money or the extra hours he had to put in to afford their lifestyle.

But everything changed when Charlotte innocently picked up Rob’s phone to look at photos from their niece’s birthday party. 

Charlotte immediately felt like something was ‘off’ after realising the phone was on airplane mode and felt her heart skip a beat.

‘Two suspicious messages came in a few minutes later – it was from a man’s name I didn’t recognise but the number belonged to one of my friends,’ Charlotte revealed.

A woman shared the moment her ‘perfect’ life came crumbling down as soon as she realised her husband of 13 years was secretly sleeping with one of her friends

The wife first provided some context for their relationship before the infidelity. 

‘I always dreamed of being a dancer but my parents couldn’t afford it – but Rob told me he was going to help me. He paid for my dance classes when we were 20 and we had to struggle for a bit.

‘He took on an extra job and we moved to a smaller apartment. He helped me fulfill my dream. I was grateful and always will be.’

The couple’s situation was much different at the moment, they have their own house and were planning on having children soon – which is why the betrayal hit her like a truck.

‘We have each other’s passwords, so I grabbed his phone to look at the photos from my niece’s birthday.’

It was then that Charlotte took the phone off airplane mode and watched texts flood in.

She revealed the first message said ‘Honey, are you home yet?’ followed by ‘Write to me when you can.’

READ MORE: I looked through my ‘perfect’ boyfriend’s phone while he was sleeping. I’m glad I did because what I found was horrifying

She checked the contact number and realised it belonged to her friend, Carol*.

‘I confronted him the same night and he started asking for forgiveness and crying. He confessed that it had been going on for five months.

‘It started right after Carol got divorced – but her husband only left her because she was having an affair with another spouse in our friendship group. 

‘Rob and Carol work together and started getting closer after the divorce. He said he’s going to cut off all communication with her and get a new job if I was willing to give him a second chance.’

Charlotte shared that she was torn and didn’t know how to move forward.

‘I lost trust in him and a part of me wants a divorce – but another part really loves him and I’m so grateful to him for supporting me years ago.’

She revealed that Rob has been a perfect gentleman after the confrontation, and started to come home early with flowers and chocolate in tow. 

‘Should I forgive him and move forward in the marriage? Can that trust be recovered? I have seen that many marriages recover after infidelity, and that it can be done with marriage therapy, but I’m not sure.’

Charlotte shared that she was torn about the situation and didn’t know how to move forward

Many urged her to leave her husband after his heinous betrayal. 

‘He cheated with a known cheater, he knew her track record. There’s no coming back from that. Don’t fall for the love-bombing and the guilt trips,’ one said.

Another added, ‘He’s giving you chocolates and flowers now to win you back, you can get those yourself. Don’t forget the months of him treating this mistress special when he could’ve been dedicating his time, energy and effort to you.’ 

But some saw the other side of the story.

‘Everyone, if truly apologetic and displays signs of understanding the level of damage laid on the spouse, deserves a second chance. It is completely in your court if you can move past this and forgive him,’ a woman said.

‘Infidelity is one of the worst things, but it’s not impossible to move past. And if they truly are happy with each other and he is supportive and nice, I don’t see the problem,’ a second added.

*Names have been changed for privacy reasons. 

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