Lofty 7ft adult star dominates short king lover in raunchy new post

Acontroversial adult model who claims to be 7ft tall has lifted the lid on her love life in a new steamy clip.

Marie Temara, 28, from Syracuse, New York, has garnered a hoard of thirsty social media followers thanks to her giant height. The racy model claimed that she's earning a staggering $100,000 (£82,000) per week – or more than £4.3m a year – flaunting her beanpole frame online.

Earlier this month, in her bombshellinterview with the Daily Star, the adult content creator revealed that she recently ditched dating taller guys. Marie said they all seem to have only one personality trait: height.

READ MORE: Lofty '7ft' adult star offered $75k by 'giantess fetish' guy to pose for naked effigy

Read the Daily Star’s exclusive interview with Marie, here.

Now, the social media sensation shared her preference for pint-sized guys – or anyone is “under 6ft-tall”. “I used to date taller guys but recently I’ve been dating shorter kings – so that is like my thing,” she revealed.

And earlier this month, Marie introduced her new 5ft 11in date in a rather elaborate way, as she effortlessly flung the “short king” onto her bed. “Who wants uppies next,” she quipped to her 1.6m Instagram followers.

Marie’s giantess-loving fans went absolutely wild, hailing her a goddess and begging for them to be hurled next. “Mommy decided it was bedtime,” one said. “I'm 6'4" but you can still carry me goddess,” another added.

A third commented how “bro flewww”, while another begged, “me next?”.

But all may not be as it seems. A disgruntled follower questioned whether Marie was actually as tall as she claimed, adding: “Bro stop faking content.” And he was right to be suspicious, as your Daily Star finally cleared up the conundrum, as she revealed she was actually “6ft 2.5in.”

  • Towering '7ft' adult star who earns '£250k a month' shares weirdest ever fan request

Coupled with Marie’s giant size comes a vast amount of strength. “I am really strong, I can pick up multiple men at once and throw them around,” she said. “So I use that to my advantage.”

Along with blessed genetics, the self-styled “tallest model on OnlyFans” has been hitting the gym every day since she was a teen. “I go to the gym seven times a week, I’ve been doing so for 15 years,” she added.

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