Practitioner tells client doctor is 'wrong' after her lips balloon

I wanted my lip filler dissolved but instead the nurse made my whole face balloon – she tried to say it was MEANT to look like that

  • Courtney Taaffe, 27, from Cambridgeshire, shared shocking video on TikTok 
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A mother-of-two was left literally speechless when her lips ballooned immediately after having them dissolved.

Courtney Taaffe, 27, from Cambridgeshire, decided she wanted the 1 millilitre of filler in her lips dissolved.

The young woman went to an unnamed beauty practitioner hoping to have her pout reduced, but was left with a severe allergic reaction to the dissolvent.

Courtney went on to share a TikTok video recounting her experience, claiming when she approached the practitioner who injected her with the dissolvent, she said it was ‘meant to look like that’ and was ‘normal’.

The beauty professional had not done a patch test on her client in sufficient time and even tried to convince her the doctor was wrong, according to Courtney. 

Courtney Taaffe, 27, from Cambridgeshire, (pictured) was left in agony after the procedure to dissolve her lips had the opposite effect

The mother-of-two alleged that a beauty practitioner, that she did not identify in the video carried out an allergy patch test less than two minutes before the treatment, contrary to British Beauty Council guidelines which advises it is done at least 48 hours prior

Her lips ballooned immediately after the procedure. She is pictured here in a car after an appointment  She alleged her allergy test immediately went red but her practitioner told her she was not allergic 

The 27-year-old could not even speak at one point, but the unnamed beauty practitioner told her it was ‘normal’. 

Two hours after the beauty treatment matters quickly escalated, with the state of the young mothers lips becoming dire.

She described them as feeling, ‘like they had air in them, like they were going to pop – and I could not speak.’

The unnamed practitioner continued to reassure Courtney via text that although her face was ‘extremely swollen’ the reaction would reduce by the following morning.

The even told the Cambridgeshire woman that the swelling was ‘normal’.

But the 27-year-old quickly became worried as all was not well the following morning, as the beauty professional had promised.

The dramatic difference between Courtney’s swollen visage woke up with to the swelling the night before is as clear as day.

She said in a TikTok video that now has around 275,100 views: ‘I went to sleep very sore’. 

When she awoke her face had evidently grown larger and become ‘really inflamed’, ‘red’ and ‘really sore’.

An hour into the day after the beauty treatment, Courtney became unable to communicate, stating: ‘I couldn’t talk at this point. I was spitting and words weren’t being said properly. 

‘My tongue had grown a lot so that was quite swollen.’

The 27-year-old lips became increasingly worse overnight despite the practitioner telling her they would go down. She said that her lips felt like they were going to ‘pop’

The correspondence between Courtney and the unidentified beauty professional quickly turned sour after the woman alleged doctors ‘were wrong’ and that Courtney could not make an insurance claim because she had the reaction

The mother-of-two showcased just how severe her reaction had become, displaying an image of her aggressively swollen face from an upward angle, where it can be seen that her neck had also become inflamed.

Feeling anxious about the severe inflammation of her face, Courtney made her way down to her nearest hospital, where she discovered she had an allergic reaction.  

She said: ‘I have never been allergic to anything in my life. I did not know what a reaction would look like or what was or was not normal for lip dissolver.’

What to expect from lip filler: 

Lip fillers are a safe medical treatment when performed by an experienced healthcare provider, including a plastic surgeon, dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon.

You may experience mild pain at your injection sites. The pain should go away after 12 to 24 hours.

Lip fillers aren’t permanent. They slowly wear away over time, usually 12 to 18 months after you get them, depending on your metabolism

You may need routine touch-up treatments to maintain your desired volume.

It’s best to wait to eat until after the topical anesthetic or nerve block injection has worn off so you don’t accidentally bite your lips and disturb the filler.

According to the young woman, the unidentified practitioner carried out an allergy patch test less than two minutes before the procedure.

Responding to a comment, Courtney revealed that the practitioner told her she wasn’t allergic although the test went ‘immediately’ red. 

To prevent such occurrences beauty professionals should execute an allergy alert test upwards of 48 hours prior to the appointment, according to the British Beauty Council.

Despite, guidance from doctors and the British Beauty Council, the anonymous practitioner was adamant a patch test is only meant to be carried out ‘just before’ a procedure, boiling Courtney’s bad experience down to ‘a delayed reaction’.

The anonymous individual even went as far as suggesting the doctor was wrong, even accusing the young mother was trying to ‘sabotage’ a career that she had ‘built from scratch.’

When Courtney asked for the beauty professional’s details, the woman hit out in a text message which read: ‘Absolutely not I’ve not done anything wrong unfortunately your body has reacted. Please don’t contact me anymore.’

The anonymous practitioner furiously added: ‘You can’t claim because YOU had a reaction’. 

Courtney was then blocked on text and Instagram by the practitioner. 

Doctors prescribed the antihistamine, also known as Chlorpheniramine Maleate, to the unfortunate beauty client.

Three tablets later the mother’s swelling reduced significantly but was not yet back to it’s original state.

Viewers were stunned by the beauty blunder, offering their sympathies to the 27-year-old.

Viewers were left stunned by the mother-of-two’s dramatic swelling with some being put off getting their lips done altogether

One wrote: ‘Sorry to hear this hope you’re feeling okay now.’ 

While another quipped: ‘Oh my that looks so painful.’

A person commented: ‘Omg looked so sore…hope you’re feeling a lot better.’ 

Others expressed how incident’s like these put them off getting their lips injected.

One stated: ‘I want to get my lips dissolved but I’m way too scared because of things like this. It happens too often.’ 

Another added: ‘Omg Courtney!!!! I’m never getting mine dissolved I’m scared hahahahah.’ 

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