Ava Evans speechless as Jeremy Vine addresses appalling Laurence Fox remarks

Ava Santina ‘really hurt’ after Laurence Fox’s comments

Ava Evans has told Channel 5 viewers Laurence Fox’s “totally unacceptable” comments on GB News have “really hurt” her during an appearance on Jeremy Vine On 5.

Host Jeremy began Wednesday’s instalment of his Channel 5 show by saying: “Look, we’ve got to start with a difficult one because Ava has been at the centre of something quite horrible.”

“It’s comments made by Laurence Fox on another channel,” Jeremy continued. “On Monday Ava went on a show on the BBC called Politics Live to talk about whether there should be a minister for men.”

In a clip from the BBC, Ava tells the panel: “I think it feeds into the culture a little bit, this minister for men argument. In my mind, there should be a minister for mental health which should be all-encompassing… It’s a crisis which is endemic throughout the country and not specific to men.”

“I think a lot of men bandy this about to sort of make an enemy out of women,” she added.

READ MORE Ava Evans feels ‘physically sick’ after Laurence Fox’s GB News rant at her

During a discussion between Dan Wootton and Laurence on Tuesday night’s GB News, the latter said: “We’re past the watershed so I can say this. Show me a single self-respecting man that would like to climb into bed with that woman – ever, ever.”

“That little woman has been fed, spoon-fed oppression day after day after day,” he added.

“And she’s sat there and I’m going like – if I met you in a bar and that was like sentence three, [the] chances of me just walking away are just huge.

“We need powerful strong, amazing women who make great points for themselves. Who’d want to shag that?”

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Jeremy branded Laurence’s comments “appaling” before asking Ava for her response to which she replied: “I think it speaks for herself, I don’t have anything to say about it at all.

“I am actually a journalist rather than a commentator and I would much rather be asked about my work than have people talking about my body.

“Sorry I am a bit speechless, I just don’t really know what to say.”

The journalist said she was “really hurt” by Laurence’s vile comments, telling viewers she was “shocked it went out”.

Ava added: “This is the sort of talk you worry men have about you when you are not in the room – there’s always a worry in the back of your mind.”

Laurence has now been suspended from GB News and the broadcaster said it would formally apologise to Ava.

A GB News spokesperson said on Wednesday morning: “GB News has formally suspended Laurence Fox while we continue our investigation into comments he made on the channel last night.

“Mr Fox’s suspension is effective immediately and he has been taken off air. We will be apologising formally to Ms Evans today.”

Jeremy Vine on 5 airs on weekdays on Channel 5 at 9.15am.

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