I'm A Celeb feud reignites as campmate brands Nigel Farage a 'liar' in resurfaced rant | The Sun

NIGEL Farage has a few critics in camp, but one of his I'm A Celeb co-stars previously hit out at the star in a resurfaced rant.

First Dates maître d'hôtel Fred Sirieix previously made a huge dig at his campmate in May 2019.

Before the General Election held later that year, the Channel 4 star took to social media to bemoan the state of society in a long and thought out essay on Facebook.

She posted: "I am not at all a religious person, yet like most of us I am aware the Bible states that “God gives us free will”. Basically, we are free and able to make our own decisions.

"We are the masters of our own destiny. This, along with the golden rule “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” form the basis of our western culture and values.

"So what is then happening in our country? Aren’t we supposed to love thy neighbour? Bigotry, racism and ignorance are being normalised and extremism has become part of daily life."


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Speaking explicitly about former UKIP politician Nigel Farage, he continued: "Nigel Farage in fact conceded a few days ago “lies are told in all elections”.

"Surely honesty is a fundamental value that he would happily admit believing in I am sure but most importantly it is the very basis of our society and legal system.

"Honesty is the foundation of all our relationships for without it there can’t be any trust. Without trust there can’t be love. And without love the world is dark.

"Both Martin Luther King and Bob Marley fought vigorously against such darkness. As Bob Marley famously sang 'Until the colour of a man’s skin is no more significance than the colour of his eyes, mi say war'."

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This was after the star previously called Nigel a coward on Twitter in 2017.

In an unearthed post on X -formerly known as Twitter – Fred wrote: "Farage Is a coward who likes money, attention and the sound of his own voice far too much.

"Definitely not a selfless idealistic revolutionary."

In 2021 he called Brexit “a con” and said the outlook for the UK food and restaurant industry was “grim”.

Nigel isn't without his camp critics as The Sun revealed food critic Grace Dent had made sick jokes about the Brexiteer’s 2010 plane crash.

Months ago championship fighter Tony Bellew, 40, branded Farage an “absolute maniac” for his opinion on immigration.

Tony hit out at the politician in response to a video message Nigel shared online in November 2022, where he discussed figures from the Office of National Statistics that suggested London, Birmingham and Manchester were now all classed as minority white cities.

Nigel said: "There is a massive change in the identity of our country through immigration."

But in a feisty message, Tony hit back: “Why does someone’s colour matter? Who cares if your white, black, yellow or pink?

"All that matters is are they good or no good people! Learn to see people for who they are and not what they look like!"

He added: "It’s cos of people like you that racism still exists! Absolute maniac you are!"

Minutes after his debut on the show, Nigel immediately faced jibes from his fellow camp mates.

After his official introduction with Josie Gibson, the duo were left to speculate about their prospects in the Jungle.

The jokes immediately flowed as Josie declared in jest: "It can't be worse than Brexit can it!"

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