Theo's vulgar revenge revealed as Stacey exposes his twisted acts in EastEnders

Enough was enough for Stacey Slater (Lacey Turner) in recent EastEnders scenes when she finally exposed sinister stalker Theo Hawthorne’s (William Ellis) vile actions.

Theo has been hounding Stacey for months now, and his behaviour has only become more threatening over time.

After anonymously sending her threatening notes and lingerie in the post, he upped the ante by breaking into her house, tearing up all of her clothes and trapping her in her kitchen while 13-year-old daughter Lily (Lillia Turner) gave birth in the next room.

That wasn’t where he was prepared to stop, though, as he had soon moved into the house next door, making it clear that he wasn’t backing down any time soon.

With the police unable to find any solid proof of Theo’s stalking, Stacey has been left terrified of what he may do next.

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Though she is in the process of getting an interim stalking protection order against him, he has failed to back off, now turning to pretending to be her online and sending hurtful messages to her friends and neighbours.

After Bernie Taylor (Clair Norris) refused to believe that she hadn’t been the one to sent a hateful message directed at her, Stacey decided that enough was enough.

The fact that Theo was teaching at the local school left a sour taste in her mouth, and the fact that the headteacher refused to address the issue caused her great concern.

With the encouragement of local detective Jack Branning (Scott Maslen), Stacey decided to open up about her struggles to the community in the hopes of getting them on side.

During a meeting at the community centre, she explained everything that Theo had put her through, and expressed her concerns that he had used daughter Lily to get closer to her.

As she revealed that she was worried someone else may fall victim to him and end up getting hurt, it became clear that the other parents agreed, and soon they had all answered Stacey’s plea to get in contact with the headmaster.

It was good news for Stacey when she answered the phone later, to discover that the school was launching an investigation into Theo.

However, that was short lived when the stalker himself rounded the corner and assured Stacey that she’d regret her actions.

Stacey seemed unphased as she told him to pack his bags and move on, but Theo wasn’t prepared to give in so easily.

Under the cover of darkness and with a hoodie shielding his face, Theo took drastic revenge.

The creepy teacher had covered the entire square with posters depicting Stacey in her underwear, under the title ‘Stacey’s baps’ – a reference to the business she shares with Eve Unwin (Heather Peace).

How will Stacey react to Theo’s latest attack? Will she ever be free of his torment?

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