Former Merkel minister says EU could close external borders in 5 years

Former Angela Merkel minister says the EU could close its external borders in just five years and suggests the bloc could even use ‘physical violence’ to stop migrants

  • He said ‘anyone who is rescued in Med must be returned to North African coast’

A former minister under Angela Merkel has said that the EU could eventually close its external borders in as little as ‘five years’.

Speaking about migration on ThePioneer podcast, former German health minister Jens Spahn demanded that ‘anyone who is rescued in the Mediterranean must be returned to the North African coast.’

The deputy chairman of the conservative Christian Democrats (CDU) went on to say that the closure of EU borders ‘will happen’.

He said: ‘The border will be closed sooner or later. Whether in five or 15 years, I cannot tell you. But it will happen.’

Immigration has been an urgent political crisis in Germany after millions of Middle Eastern refugees migrated there in 2015.

Speaking about migration on ThePioneer podcast, former German health minister Jens Spahn (pictured) demanded that ‘anyone who is rescued in the Mediterranean must be returned to the North African coast’

Spain was a minister under Angela Merkel and has said that the EU could eventually close its external borders in as little as ‘five years’

Immigration has been an urgent political crisis in Germany after millions of Middle Eastern refugees migrated there in 2015 (Pictured: Migrants rescued in the Mediterranean earlier this month)

Mr Spahn said: ‘The key question is not repatriation, but limiting irregular migration.

‘If we talk about illegal migration, logically the number should be zero, because it’s illegal.’

He has, however, received backlash for suggesting violence is used to stop illegal migrants.

Speaking on the podcast, he said that if necessary the EU must ‘use physical violence to stop irregular migration movements’.

Clara Anne Buerger, the Left wing MP, said: ‘Jens Spahn now wants gangs of thugs to beat back people seeking protection at the borders… This is clearly illegal and potentially criminal.’

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