NJ dog downs two bottles of liquor before staggering around drunk

Moment New Jersey dog owner comes home to find her dog swaggering and incapable of walking only to realize the pooch had chugged down her vodka

  • A naughty rescue dog got so hammered on his owner’s alcohol stash that he could barely walk
  • Mary from New Jersey returned home to two empty bottles of liquor and a very drunk dog
  • She called animal poison control and took her dog – Jack – to the vet where he recovered without even a mild hangover 

A mischievous dog from New Jersey polished off a whole bottle of vodka and half a bottle of Bailey’s before his owner came home to find him a little worse for wear. 

Mary, from south New Jersey, returned home last week to find her dog – who had been home alone – stumbling around her house and incapable of walking.

She found an empty bottle of Bailey’s on the ground and a tipped-over handle of vanilla Smirnoff vodka on the counter.

According to Mary – the Bailey’s bottle had been half-way empty and the vodka was still full before her naughty puppy broke into the alcohol stash. 

The New Jersey native’s dog, Jack, is a five-year-old rescue pup that appears to be a husky mix. 

A naughty rescue dog got so hammered on his owner’s alcohol stash that he could barely walk

Mary from south New Jersey returned home last week to find her dog – who had been home alone – stumbling around her house and incapable of walking

She found an empty bottle of Bailey’s on the ground and a tipped-over handle of vanilla Smirnoff vodka on the counter

Mary, who hasn’t shared her last name, posted a video of the drunken dog on TikTok and it went viral immediately – racking up 35 million views and almost six million likes

Mary, who hasn’t shared her last name, posted a video of the drunken dog on TikTok and it went viral immediately – racking up 35 million views and almost six million likes.

In the video – Mark is heard saying: ‘It’s not funny but my dog is drunk and I don’t know what to do.’

Viewers thought the viral video was hilarious – but some people expressed concern about the health and safety of the dog. 

Mary posted a TikTok later on – explaining how she handled the situation after the initial shock discovery. 

‘As far as how it happened – I have a window seat that is up against my kitchen counter, and the alcohol was on the kitchen counter, she said. 

‘So he jumped up onto the window seat and then onto the counter and chewed the lid off the bailey’s bottle – which you can see in the video, the lid is chewed off. I found the lid actually on the floor when I got home. 

‘I did take him to the vet. I called animal poison control first. They recommended me bringing him in – just because they didn’t know how much he consumed. 

‘So I took him to the vet, they kept him overnight. They gave him fluids, observed him and called me in the morning at 7 am and said “he’s fine – he’s prancing around like he’s not even hungover”.’ 

She also clarified that she ‘absolutely did not’ let her dog consume the alcohol on purpose.

Mary said: ‘I don’t have kids – Jack is my child.’

In the video – Mark is heard saying: ‘It’s not funny but my dog is drunk and I don’t know what to do’

‘As far as how it happened – I have a window seat that is up against my kitchen counter, and the alcohol was on the kitchen counter. ‘So he jumped up onto the window seat and then onto the counter and chewed the lid off the bailey’s bottle – which you can see in the video, the lid is chewed off. I found the lid actually on the floor when I got home’

Mary said: ‘I don’t have kids – Jack is my child’ and assured viewers that she called animal poison control and took Jack to the vet

While Jack’s drunken state was an accident and Mary took care of the situation well – previous drunken dog situations haven’t been as light-hearted.

In 2012 – a man was arrested for getting his dog so drunk that the pooch kept falling over while trying to stand up.

Todd Harold Schrier went to court for an animal cruelty charge after police in East Helena, Montana discovered that the Pomeranian dog was more than four times the legal drinking limit for humans driving vehicles.

The 20-pound dog, named Arly II, was not able to walk a straight line when police found the animal at Smith’s Bar.

The dog was taken to Alpine Animal Clinic where a blood test revealed that its blood-alcohol level was 0.348 per cent. The legal limit for drivers is 0.08 per cent.

Michelle Richardson, the clinic’s veterinarian, told the Helena Independent Record that an alcohol level that high could be fatal.

In another comical case of a drunk dog from 2017 – a sneaky dog was left battling a miserable hangover after she ate 12 bottles of chocolate liquor that got her drunk — and then incredibly sick.

As part of Ellie Mae Dwyer’s punishment, the pooch’s owner had her pose for a photo next to the remaining bottles of chocolate liquor that she had broken into and a sign detailing her antics.

‘Today I ate 12 chocolate liquor bottles. Got so drunk I couldn’t stand up. And then projectile vomited across the living room. And now I am hungover!’ reads the sign.

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