SNP's 'secret deal to back Keir Starmer'

SNP’s ‘secret deal to back Keir Starmer’ as they are ‘screening’ would-be MPs to see if they would back a Labour Budget

  • SNP leader Humza Yousaf said he would work with Labour in a hung Parliament

Fears that a weak Labour government would be propped up by the Scottish Nationalists deepened last night over claims the SNP is already ‘screening’ would-be MPs to do exactly that.

The Mail on Sunday was told that potential parliamentary candidates were being secretly asked if they would back a Labour Budget even if Sir Keir Starmer refused a key Scots Nats’ demand on family benefits.

Candidates who declined were ruled out of selection, an SNP insider said.

Last night, Tory chairman Greg Hands declared, ‘If these reports are true, it’s a blatant case of voter deception. 

‘It’s one thing for the SNP to seek to pull the wool over their own supporters’ eyes. 

‘It’s quite another to be complicit in a bid to con the entire British electorate over who would call the shots in an enfeebled Labour administration with no majority.’

The Mail on Sunday was told that potential parliamentary candidates were being secretly asked if they would back a Labour Budget even if Sir Keir Starmer (pictured) refused a key Scots Nats’ demand on family benefits

Scottish First Minister and SNP leader Humza Yousaf (pictured) has said he would be ready to work with a Labour government in a hung Parliament.

Last night, Tory chairman Greg Hands (pictured) declared, ‘If these reports are true, it’s a blatant case of voter deception’

Mr Hands added: ‘We all know what the SNP’s price for co-operation is: a totally unnecessary and divisive second independence referendum.’ 

Scottish First Minister and SNP leader Humza Yousaf has said he would be ready to work with a Labour government in a hung Parliament.

But he has also said it was ‘deeply shameful’ that Sir Keir had not pledged to scrap a Tory measure which restricts child tax credit and universal credit payments to a family’s first two children.

However, a source close to the SNP selection process in the new Dunfermline and Dollar seat claimed prospective candidates were being asked if they would vote for a minority Labour government’s Budget that did not remove the hated benefit limit. 

This would be in the context of a ‘confidence and supply’ deal to back Labour on individual votes.

Another insider said that such ‘screening’ was widespread across Scottish seats.

Labour insiders dismissed the idea of any deal last night, pointing to a new poll showing them with a 24-point lead over the Tories.

An SNP spokesman denied the party was screening candidates in this way and repeated that Labour’s commitment to the two-child cap was ‘abhorrent’ and ‘shameful’.

A Labour Party spokesperson said that both Sir Keir and Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar ‘have repeatedly said there will no deals with the SNP going into an election and no deals coming out of one.

‘We’re campaigning for a majority Labour government and the recent Rutherglen by-election shows we are the change Scotland needs.’

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