Cardi B Defends Will Smith Amid Gay Sex Rumor, Slams Blogger Tasha K

cardi b will smith/duane

Cardi B is coming to Will Smith‘s defense amid a rumor that he had sex with Duane Martin — one he denies, BTW — and she’s also dragging the blogger who aired this laundry.

The rapper hopped on IG Live Wednesday night to talk about the story. She doesn’t really weigh in on the veracity of the claim — or what she makes of the allegation itself — but simply says Will’s unproblematic … and that he doesn’t deserve this treatment.

Cardi brings up his horoscope (Libra) and says she believes Libras are constantly being tested by others –speaking as one herself — until they eventually snap … seemingly referencing WS’s infamous Oscars slap.

Basically, she sees it as unfair when people are pushed to their limits and when they act out — the public gives them side-eye. She also thinks it’s wild folks can get on a big platform and just say anything about anyone … and that it picks up major traction, even if it’s BS.

This is where she lays into Tasha K — who, BTW, is the same woman CB successfully sued for defamation. Remember, Tasha technically owes Cardi about $3.4 million in a judgment.

It was just a few weeks ago that Cardi signaled an apparent softening on trying to enforce that payout — but here, CB seems to be reversing course … saying some people never change.

tasha k

She lays into Tasha for allowing the supposed ex-friend/assistant of Will to get on her podcast and make such an outlandish allegation … and says that has to stop STAT.

FWIW, Tasha keeps landing in trouble … mind you, she just got sued by R. Kelly. Now, after Jada said a lawsuit’s coming — she could possibly see herself named as a defendant again.

Cardi might’ve been willing to show leniency last month, but now … something tells us she’ll squeeze Tasha for the cash she owes, just to make a point. Well-deserved, perhaps.

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