Elon Musk reinstated Alex Jones’s Twitter account after taking a poll

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At this point, I am convinced that Elon Musk aka Space Karen aka Elno aka Apartheid Clyde is so far gone that he’s actively trying to tank The Platform Formerly Known as But Belovedly Still Referred to as Twitter. In the latest episode in the saga of “How Low Can Elon Go?,” we have the billionaire emerald heir with a flair for pretending he’s a genius businessman restoring the account of conspiracy theorist and all-around atrocious human being Alex Jones. Elno, who is still pretending that he’s a ‘free speech absolutist,’ put out a poll asking if he should restore the account. I’ll be honest – I voted, “no,” in it. Sadly, us normal folks who care about our fellow human beings are no match for Space Karen’s bot army. The result was the outcome that Apartheid Clyde always intended for it to be: That walking human excrement was brought back.

Elon Musk has restored the X account of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, pointing to a poll on the social media platform formerly known as Twitter that came out in favor of the Infowars host who repeatedly called the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting a hoax. It poses new uncertainty for advertisers, who have fled X over concerns about hate speech appearing alongside their ads, and is the latest divisive public personality to get back their banned account.

Musk posted a poll on Saturday asking if Jones should be reinstated, with the results showing 70% of those who responded in favor. Early Sunday, Musk tweeted, “The people have spoken and so it shall be.”

A few hours later, Jones’ posts were visible again and he retweeted a post about his video game. He and his Infowars show had been permanently banned in 2018 for abusive behavior. Musk, who has described himself as a free speech absolutist, said the move was about protecting those rights. In response to a user who posted that “permanent account bans are antithetical to free speech,” Musk wrote, “I find it hard to disagree with this point.”

The billionaire Tesla CEO also tweeted it’s likely that Community Notes — X’s crowd-sourced fact-checking service — “will respond rapidly to any AJ post that needs correction.”

It is a major turnaround for Musk, who previously said he wouldn’t let Jones back on the platform despite repeated calls to do so. Last year, Musk pointed to the death of his first-born child and tweeted, “I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame.”

Jones repeatedly has said on his show that the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, that killed 20 children and six educators never happened and was staged in an effort to tighten gun laws.

[From AP]

I said it above but I feel so strongly about it that I’m going to say it again: Alex Jones is a walking piece of sh–t. There are a lot of really, really terrible people in MAGA world, but Jones is a special brand of abhorrent. Unlike President Voldemort, who didn’t take the bait when he was reinstated, Jones has embraced his X comeback because when you owe a billion dollars to the families you terrorized while they were going through an unimaginable loss, you gotta get that money where you can.

Elon is a garbage person and a hypocrite. He must have seen Jones getting crunk and drunk dialing CNN hosts with fellow garbage person Tucker Carlson and wanted in on the fun. He also participated in a Spaces meeting with Carlson, Jones, Andrew Tate, Matt Gaetz, and Vivek Ramaswamy. (This is the meeting where Vivek forgot to turn his mic off while using the restroom and honestly, I’d rather hear that man take a leak than actually talk.) At this point, I’m convinced that some accountant or tax attorney or ultra-wealthy backer told Apartheid Clyde to make the platform fail to either p’wn the lefties, get a tax write-off, or both.

Photos credit: Avalon.red and Cover Images

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