EXCLUSIVE: Kevin Spacey plots comeback after sexual assault acquittal

EXCLUSIVE: Kevin Spacey plotting Hollywood comeback and wants to ‘leave the nonsense behind’ after being acquitted of sexual assault charges says friend

Oscar winner Kevin Spacey is already plotting a Hollywood comeback after being cleared of claims of being a sexual abuser in recent months.

Spacey is now ready to ‘rebuild’ his career and ‘leave the nonsense behind’ after being found not guilty of sex assaults in a London court and cleared of underage abuse in a New York court.

And the American Beauty star’s next project will be a ‘surprise’ to fans and may be backed by a major studio, if the financial deal is right.

That is the insight from Spacey’s long-term friend and famed Hollywood author Geoffrey Mark, who opened up on camera exclusively to DailyMail.com about the former House Of Cards star’s legal battles and fight against accusations of inappropriate behavior to minors.

Spacey was most recently acquitted of multiple sexual assault charges in the UK related to allegations from four men in July.

In the works: Oscar winner Kevin Spacey is already plotting a Hollywood comeback to ‘rebuild’ his career after being cleared of claims of being a sexual abuser in recent months, a friend tells DailyMail.com exclusively

Keeping them guessing: Famed Hollywood author Geoffrey Mark told DailyMail.com on camera that the American Beauty star’s next project will be a ‘surprise’ to fans and may be backed by a major studio, if the financial deal is right

Emmy winner Mark believed that Spacey was ‘innocent’ of all legal claims and enjoyed a bachelor’s lifestyle rather than was an abuser.

Spacy was previously accused in 2020 by the Rent star Athony Rapp of having having committed sexual assault and sexual battery against him during a 1986 altercation — when he was only 14 — and he sued the actor for those charges, as well as intentional infliction of emotional distress, after New York extended its statute of limitations for child sexual abuse.

Following Rapp’s initial claim, 15 other people publicly accused Spacey of sexual misconduct. 

After the initial public allegation from Rapp, Spacey claimed he did not remember their encounter and brushed it aside and said that if it had happened it was ‘deeply inappropriate drunken behavior.’

But the Hollywood author admitted the sexual assault lawsuit brought an actor, then aged 14, had to be examined through the full legal process.

In November a court dismissed Star Trek actor Rapp’s claims that Spacey touched him inappropriately.

In an exclusive interview on camera, Mark said: ‘I’ve known Kevin for many years. I knew he was innocent. I knew why these charges were being brought. I understood how wrong the whole thing was.

‘Kevin Spacey is one of the most talented human beings on the planet and he needs to get his career back, because we’re missing out on all the wonderful performances he’s still got a lot left in him. So let’s leave all this nonsense behind.

‘Let’s celebrate Kevin Spacey. He’s my buddy — I do.’

Numerous accusers: In 2017, actor Anthony Rapp accused Spacey of sexual assault and battery from a party in 1986, when he was just 14. Fifteen others subsequently accused Spacey of various forms off sexual misconduct; seen in 2017 in NYC

In court: Spacey emerged victorious in all criminal cases that were filed against him, and in July he was acquitted of multiple sexual assault charges in the UK related to allegations from four men; seen July 26 in London

Being held accountable: Despite his full-throated defense of Spacey, Mark thought it was right, given the allegations, that his 64-year-old pal should face the criminal justice system and win two court victories to clear his name

In October 2022, a judge dismissed Rapp’s emotional distress charge after determining that it merely duplicated the other charges, and a jury subsequently found Spacey not liable. 

Rapp’s suit was also joined by a second anonymous accuser, though that accuser was dropped from the suit over their unwillingness to reveal their identity.

In 2018, at the height of the Me Too Movement, Spacey was charged with sexually assaulting an 18-year-old man in Massachusetts two years earlier.

However, the case was voluntarily dismissed in 2019 after questions arose about possible missing evidence in the form of deleted text messages that may have shade light on the alleged assault or Spacey’s potential relationship with the accuser. 

Although Spacey has so far proved victorious in all of his criminal legal entanglements, he has still been tarred by numerous sexual assault and harassment allegations.

In July, Spacey wept in court as he was acquitted of all charges in his sexual assault trial in London.

On the logs: Spacey is also among the many influential figures whose name is listed on flight logs from convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet; seen in July in London

New look: Mark said he thinks Spacey will now have to reinvent himself. ‘He’s going to have to rebuild, and in doing so, my opinion is he’s going to go in a direction we hadn’t considered before’

Jurors at Southwark Crown Court returned not guilty verdicts for nine sexual offense charges relating to four men between 2001 and 2013.

Speaking afterward, Spacey said he was ‘grateful’ to the jury as he thanked them for their deliberations, which took more than 12 hours.

Outside the court the Oscar winner added he was ‘humbled,’ but Mark says that he is readying for a comeback.

‘I’m sure he is asking himself exactly what is next? What will people accept from me? He lost so much he’s going to have to rebuild, even though it was never his fault.

‘He’s going to have to rebuild, and in doing so, my opinion is he’s going to go in a direction we hadn’t considered before.

‘He’s going to do something new and creative because that’s who Kevin is, and we’re going to see a whole new creative side of him come out. Most folks are going to say, wow, I never knew.

‘There’s a lot more coming, good stuff coming, and I’m thrilled to see it.’

Asked whether film studios or streamers will look at him for roles, Mark opined: ‘I think it’s all going to be about the money. If Kevin comes up with something that looks like it’s going to make studios money, they’re going to forgive him. And if Kevin can’t come up with that, they’re going to use these false accusations as an excuse.

‘So it all depends on what he comes up with next and what happens in this country politically. Because unfortunately, even outrage like this comes and goes in fads. And we’ll have to see who really screws up to get headlines to see how much forgiveness Kevin gets.

Swept under the rug: Asked whether studios will look at Spacey for roles, Mark opined: ‘I think it’s all going to be about the money. If Kevin comes up with something that looks like it’s going to make studios money, they’re going to forgive him’; still from House Of Cards

Not going anywhere: He added: ‘My spidey sense tells me that we have got good things coming from him’

He added: ‘My spidey sense tells me that we have got good things coming from him.’

Despite his full-throated defense of Spacey, Mark thought it was right, given the allegations, that his 64-year-old pal should face the criminal justice system and win two court victories to clear his name.

‘Was it fair the way he was treated? I think yes and no. An allegation is an allegation.

‘I don’t think someone should lose their livelihood over an allegation. On the other hand, all of us who sign contracts have morals clauses in them. Alienating a good part of your audience is a money loser. I think it happened too quickly. 

‘I think it happened too much, but I don’t think it’s unfair, because there are folks out there who are guilty of these things.

‘We can’t just look the other way at pedophilia. We can’t say, well, “Kevin wasn’t guilty, so therefore nobody else is.”

‘Unfortunately, a lot of people are; just not him. And sometimes we have to err on the side of the children and say, well, we’re going to take it on my chin because we got to keep the kids welfare. The most important thing. I think if this scandal was about anything else, I would say he was terribly unfairly treated. Only because the subject was children, you’ve got to take a stab back and say, this is unfair. But in a way it’s understandable and I’m thrilled that he has been exonerated. That’s fair.’

Mark insists he never saw Spacey be anything other than a ‘gentleman,’ and he claimed that allegations made in public by alleged victims were alien to him.

‘He’s a brilliant conversationalist and does like younger men… men, and yeah, there have been times he’s shown up with a blonde and brunette on his shoulders, but they were grown folks who were intelligent, brilliant conversationalists.

‘Kevin has given so much to charity people don’t even know about. That’s the guy I know. This charity, loving charity giving Bon raconteur who’s more talented and more attractive than even he realizes. And I just feel blessed. It’s so good to be a little part of his big life.’

Mark, who is also Grammy Award nominee, has been labeled in Hollywood circles as ‘the walking encyclopedia of show business history.’

Didn’t notice: Mark insists he never saw Spacey be anything other than a ‘gentleman,’ and he claimed that allegations made in public by alleged victims were alien to him

His prolific career has seen him work as a singer, stand-up comedian, Off-Broadway actor, radio host, writer, documentary producer and producer. Mark has also released best-selling books about Hollywood, including a definitive portrait of Lucille Ball.

Mark spoke as he attended the VIP gala launch of The Hollywood Museum’s Transformers film franchise exhibit.

Donelle Dadigan, founder and president of the Hollywood Museum, announced: ‘This is an exhibit that movie enthusiasts of all ages will certainly enjoy and will evoke memories from the Transformers film franchise, and for those that enjoy cars from films- they will particularly enjoy this exhibit.

The exhibit features original cars used in Transformers and Transformers: Age of Distinction, Transformers: Last Knight and original costumes. For more details: www.TheHollywoodMuseum.com.

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