Vicky Pattison shares hen do plans ahead of romantic Italy wedding next year

Vicky Pattison has excitedly revealed where she’ll be hosting her hen do in the coming months as she gets closer to her big day.

The star, 35, who is set to wed fiancé Ercan Ramadan, 29, next year, is in full swing when it comes to wedding preparations.

She explained she and her nearest and dearest pals decided to try a “girls night in” rather than going out on the town this Christmas.

The group spent the weekend at Tyne House in Newcastle, a luxurious accommodation in the North Shields area of the city.

Vicky continued: “It did not disappoint!! Huge Thankyou to the incredible team at @tynehouse_ for having us!! It was the best!!

“Can't recommend it enough.. sleeps 18, close to town, 2 hot tubs and just the coolest decor!!"

The former Geordie Shore star confirmed she’ll soon be back, adding: “We'll defo be booking it for my Newcastle hen do!!!”

She also shared the love to some of the companies who helped accommodate the girls, from the food to entertainment.

“And to all my girls, I love you so much!! I'm so lucky to have you!!” Vicky added in the sweet caption.

The presenter also posted a selection of photos from her weekend away, including one where she donned a stunning red off-the-shoulder dress, beaming in front of a Christmas tree.

Other snaps included some very interesting looking cocktails, a huge cold food platter and the girls in matching Christmassy PJs.

In the final slide, Vicky posted a fun video of her dancing around the space with a candy cane prop in tow.

It comes after the soon-to-be bride hosted a lavish pre-wedding celebration at Victors Newcastle back in October.

The bridal party enjoyed drinks, sushi, and cakes as they danced the night away with a saxophone player.

Taking to Instagram to share snaps of the celebration with her 5.5 million followers, Vicky penned: "There is something so beautiful about having long-term friends that have witnessed multiple versions of you and loved you unconditionally through each version…

"You guys have been by my side for the best part of 20 years, more in some cases. We've celebrated each other's milestones and been there for each other when things were hard."

"Together we got each other through losing Paul…" she said, referring to her late best friends of 20 years who died suddenly in June 2018 at the age of 37.

"There is no one else in the world I want standing by when I say I do… than you lot. Here's to the Patti-Ram's 2024… and my bridesmaids."

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