‘We fell for famous men like Prince Andrew and Paul Hollywood – but it was fake’

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    Women all over the world are being left with broken hearts and drained bank accounts because of ruthless con artists posing as famous men or celeb lookalikes.

    Just recently a hopeless romantic spoke about getting a divorce after thinking she had fallen in love with a Stranger Things star.

    And as hard to believe as it is, she is just one of many who have been cruelly manipulated in this way.

    READ MORE: Scammed woman got divorce thinking she was in relationship with Stranger Things star

    Below, we take a look at some of the most shocking examples.

    Dacre Montgomery

    Aussie Dacre Montogomery captured the hearts of many for his role as heartthrob Billy Hargrove in Stranger Things – but one married lady thought she was the chosen one.

    American single mum McKala was deceived into thinking she was in a secret relationship with the actor.

    She even transferred the person posing as him online almost £8,000.

    Speaking on YouTube series Catfished, the mum, who also ditched her husband, said: “Love makes you do stupid, irrational things.

    “If you're someone like me, you're afraid of abandonment and you're a real big people pleaser.

    ''These scammers, they just kind of come in and they leech off that.''

    Prince Andrew

    In a truly bonkers episode, the Daily Star is aware of one woman who was convinced she was flirting with Prince Andrew.

    The Australian woman, who we are not naming, was infatuated with the late Queen’s controversial second son and dreamed of a future with him.

    But her suspicions were raised when demands for money kept being sent by “palace representatives” on his behalf.

    In messages seen by this publication, she told support group ScamHaters United: “I am still getting texts from them saying the royal ambassador said that Prince Andrew wants to marry me and I have to pay and send $95,700 to get an engagement ring, a royal membership card and to be a member of the Royal Family.”

    She then sent the correspondence and asked for confirmation about whether it was fake.

    In another concerned message, she wrote: “Is there a royal ambassador in London because they are asking me to send $17,000 for a marriage certificate with Prince Andrew.”

    Thankfully, the woman refused to send money.

    And Ruth Grover, who runs ScamHaters United, told us that it was mainly women from outside the UK who fall for fake royal profiles.

    Luke Bryan

    Luke Bryan is best known for his country love songs and for starring as an American Idol judge alongside Katy Perry.

    And despite being married with kids, a romance scammer posing as him managed to rinse one gran out of her cash.

    Denise Vick, from America, sent the impersonator more than £3,500 after being told his wife had frozen his account.

    And speaking exclusively to the Daily Star, she said: “I was so excited and thought I finally don’t have to worry about the future of my grandchildren and I can look after my daughter.

    “I let myself dream of the potential. I got totally caught up in it.”

    Denise, who was promised diamond earrings, still listens to Luke Bryan on the radio but said his songs were now bitter sweet.

    Paul Hollywood

    If you winced at the thought of Vicky losing £3,500 to a stranger, wait until you read this next example which happened closer to home.

    Lesley Poole, from Essex, was swept off her feet by a man she thought was a “better looking” version of the Great British Bake Off star Paul Hollywood.

    She later gave up ownership of her home to send him £160,000.

    The gutted woman lost her whole life savings and she told Daily Star: “Being catfished left me devastated and it absolutely broke my heart.

    “Sometimes I sent him £3,000 for machinery, £800 for his daughter’s broken leg to be fixed, £1,200 for a heated suit because it was very cold where he was.

    “I say this and can’t actually believe how bloody stupid I was."

    Woody Harrelson

    Software engineer Beth Ray fell so hard for a bloke who was a ringer for Hollywood actor Woody Harrelson that she gave him £50,000.

    Beth was already separated from her husband but she was thrilled to have found love again with the man who claimed to be a Lieutenant Colonel in the US Army.

    She eventually learned she had been scammed and filed a police report, but the chance of catching the culprit is slim.

    Beth told Daily Star: “Altogether – including the iPhones I sent him – I lost about $65,000 (approximately £53,000).

    “I found out last week and I just started bawling. I couldn’t believe I fell in love with a freaking fake person. I feel like an idiot.

    “I am so upset because I was so in love with this guy and I believed every single thing he said to me and I am just devastated.

    “Now I realise he is never going to come and I am left in this horrible financial position which I don’t know if I will ever recover from.

    “He took advantage of the fact I have a big heart and I cared about him and he took advantage of my willingness to give and help. I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.”

    She added: “Now I am stuck with all this debt and my credit card payments are $600 a month and my rent is two months behind.

    “I have to meet with the pastors in the church next week and beg them to help me pay my rent.”

    • Exclusives
    • Prince Andrew
    • Netflix
    • Stranger Things
    • Great British Bake Off
    • Paul Hollywood
    • money
    • Royal Family

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