Woman spots super-rare PINK grasshopper – after mistaking it for a caterpillar

A shocked woman spotted super-rare PINK grasshopper on the pavement – after mistaking it for a caterpillar.

Leonie Verkerk, 33, wandered out of her Derby office to go for a lunchtime walk when she spotted what she thought was a caterpillar

But the asbestos surveying administrator realised it was in fact a super-rare pink grasshopper.

Lucky Leonie, who is a self-confessed ‘nerd’, is one of a minority of people who will ever see one.

That’s because it is estimated that there is only 1% chance of seeing a pink grasshopper during a person’s lifetime.

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The insects can turn pink due to a genetic mutation, known as erythrism, but they usually do not survive long as predators easily spot them.

Leonie, from Alveston, Derby, said: “I had my sunglasses on and I was walking along when I saw something on the floor.

“I’m a bit of a nerd and I look for insects anyway – but when I saw it, I thought it was a caterpillar at first.

“Then when I looked properly, I saw it was a grasshopper and I was really shocked.

“I knew they existed because I’d read something about them before, but it wasn’t until I googled it I realised they’re so rare. I tried to pick it up – but it hopped off.”

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