Chas rocked by heartbreaking death in new Emmerdale spoiler video

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Chas Dingle (Lucy Pargeter) has been dreading the upcoming birthday of daughter Grace, who tragically died minutes after her birth in Emmerdale five years ago.

However, recent scenes saw her agree to visit Grace’s grave alongside Paddy Kirk (Dominic Brunt) and their daughter Eve.

At their daughters graveside, while Paddy reflects on how things have changed and life has moved on, Chas can’t help but feel stuck in the past, dwelling on what she once had.

A new spoiler video shows the moments after their trip, where Chas is left disappointed when Paddy reveals his plans for the rest of the afternoon.

Chas has been struggling to see Paddy move on with her cousin Mandy Dingle (Lisa Riley) following the breakdown of their marriage last year.

Visiting the grave together feels like a step forward for Chas, and she is comforted when Paddy compliments her, insisting that she is a fantastic mum to Eve.

She is quick to bite the bullet as she invites Paddy back to the Woolpack in order to raise a glass for Grace, but is caught off guard when he refuses.

There is more salt rubbed into the wound as he reveals that he is actually taking new girlfriend Mandy out for lunch, leaving Chas hurt, though she tries her best to cover.

As Mandy approaches, Chas insists that he go with her and assures him that she’ll be fine, but as she watches the pair hug we get the distinct impression that she may be lying.

Will Chas let Paddy and Mandy be happy, or does she still harbour feelings for her ex?

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