Corrie's Cait Fitton reveals unlikely friendship for Lauren

Coronation Street star Cait Fitton has revealed what the future holds for troubled character Lauren Bolton, including the ‘unlikely’ friendship she is set to develop with another resident.

Lauren has developed a strong friendship with Max Turner (Paddy Bever), though it has become clear that she wants them to be more than friends.

However, Max is happily dating Sabrina Adetiba (Louana Santos), which leaves Lauren feeling jealous in upcoming scenes.

In upcoming episodes, Lauren is set to lash out as her emotions get the better of her, leading her to trash the salon and ultimately get arrested for criminal damage.

Fortunately, this could prove to be the wake up call she needs, with actress Cait suggesting that Lauren is set to get her life back on track.

‘Lauren’s got quite a few things coming up, but the main thing is that she moves into her own flat, which is exciting as she’s getting more of a solidified structure of a life back together.’

She also reveals how Lauren is set to find a new friendship in an unlikely character.

‘She actually makes an unlikely friendship with Ryan Connor (Ryan Prescott) and he ends up moving into her flat.

‘Lauren and Ryan are very similar in some ways. Ryan’s been through an awful time with the acid attack and he really struggles with people actually seeing him as Ryan rather than what he’s been through and Lauren doesn’t really have anybody either, so they’ve both lost people because of what they’ve been through.

‘With moving in together, it’s going to be more of a brother and sister relationship but obviously it’s not going to be plain sailing, there will be quite a few bumps in the road, but you know, it wouldn’t be Coronation Street without that!’

As Cait mentions, Ryan is facing battles of his own, including struggling with his self-esteem following the horrific acid attack earlier this year.

After turning to steroids to increase his self-esteem, Ryan began posting to O-Vidz in order to earn some cash.

This is something that Cait reveals Lauren is very supportive of, and not just for Ryan’s benefit.

‘Lauren is very naive. I don’t think she knows exactly what O-Vidz is but she is very intrigued to know what exactly he does and how much money he makes from it.

‘Ryan started O-Vidz to build up his confidence and that’s exactly what Lauren wants for him; she wants him to get better, feel better about himself, be happy and just get back on track with his life.

‘Even though Lauren is really supportive of Ryan, I also think she’s very desperate, because she doesn’t want to be on her own and she doesn’t want to end up homeless again.

‘Part of the reason Ryan moves in is because Lauren is a young girl and can’t afford the rent all to herself. As it’s not happening in front of her, not affecting her and helping pay half her rent, she’s very supportive.’

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