Emmerdale star Eden Taylor-Draper warns of dark twist head for Belle

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Emmerdale stars Eden Taylor-Draper and Isabel Hodgins have teased what’s ahead for their characters Belle Dingle and Victoria Barton, and it’s safe to say that they’re going to be busy in the coming weeks!

Belle has recently reconnected with former boyfriend Tom King (James Chase), and things seemed to be going well until an unfortunate incident brought out a different side to Tom.

After having his car stolen, Tom’s mood darkened, and he violently slammed his hand down onto the table during a row with Belle.

This left us wondering if Belle should be concerned about Tom’s darker side, and actress Eden Taylor-Draper teased that something may be afoot.

‘It’s hard because he’s a lovely guy and she’s in love with him, but who knows?’ She told Metro.co.uk at the CUREUsher Ball. ‘Who knows how much of a good guy he is?’

The teaser from Eden was accompanied by a dramatic gasp from co-star Isabel, who also teased the future of Victoria’s potential relationship with Jacob Gallagher (Joe Warren-Plant).

‘Keep your eyes peeled and see how it progresses,’ she said. ‘Because obviously, they like each other, can they and also will they? Because of the whole David (Matthew Wolfenden) situation.

‘So, it’s a little bit juicy, and I think the characters have been in it a while so I think the audience will enjoy the ride!’

Both Eden and Isabel had joined their Emmerdale co-stars at an event organised by Mark Jordon and Laura Norton, best known for their roles as Daz Spencer and Kerry Wyatt, in support of CUREUsher.

Mark and Laura became trustees of the charity after learning that their two children had Usher syndrome – a rare condition which causes deafness or hearing loss, and an eye disease called retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Sometimes, it also causes problems with balance.

The event aimed to raise money to put towards research to find a cure for Usher syndrome.

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