Gina and Anna's lives are turned upside down by Cindy's comeback in EastEnders

The mystery of Rose Knight’s disappearance is finally solved this coming week in EastEnders as Rose – aka Cindy Beale (Michelle Collins) – returns to Albert Square.

Recently, Anna (Molly Rainford) decided to look into finding her missing mum. She knows that Rose walked out on the family, but remains unaware that Rose is a fake name Cindy was given before spending years undercover.

A few days ago, Peter (Thomas Law) discovered from Ian (Adam Woodyatt) that he has two more siblings. This was massive news for Peter, as it came after the deaths of his brother Steven and twin sister Lucy.

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Peter being back in Walford is the catalyst for Cindy heading back to England from France. When she arrives, it isn’t long until she confronts Kathy (Gillian Taylforth), who is also very good at returning from the dead.

As a showdown begins, Gina (Francesca Henry), George (Colin Salmon) and Elaine (Harriet Thorpe) are helping to celebrate Anna’s 21st birthday.

Just as George expresses his sadness over Rose missing another huge milestone, he steps out of the pub and who does he come face to face with?

Cindy, of course.

As the week continues, George discovers that Cindy had no idea his family were in Walford and didn’t come back for them at all. This prompts him to say that Anna and Gina are still in Spain, but a mishap from Linda (Kellie Bright) allows Cindy to realise her daughters are in the pub.

Struggling to process recent events, Anna and Gina head to Peggy’s to drown their sorrows.

However, as things get out of hand, Cindy and George arrive and to George’s horror, he realises his worst fear has come true.

‘She hasn’t seen them for a long time, and I think it’s incredibly moving, actually’, Michelle Collins said, describing the moment Cindy faces Anna and Gina again.

‘I was quite moved doing those scenes, and I think they were as well. It must be very hard. She had to leave nine years ago, and not to see your kids in nine years is hard. And she’s going to have to work very hard for them to understand the reasons why she did it.

‘I think it’s very hard for women. People are very unaccepting of women leaving their children as opposed to possibly a man. I don’t know. There was an amazing drama with Christopher Eccleston and an Irish actress and they had it from two perspectives, and people were much more sympathetic towards him than they were to the wife when she left the family home.

‘I think women have to fight harder to be understood because it’s always supposed to be “The mother never leaves the children; you can’t do that!” So, you’re kind of judged a lot harsher than a man is, I think.’

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