I’m A Celebrity’s Frankie Dettori warns there could be tears as he joins camp

Frankie and Tony are straight into the action in the ‘Scarena’

I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here’s newest recruit, Frankie Dettori has admitted that he may become emotional during his time in the jungle.

However, the Italian jockey won’t be crying over his family – rather he will miss the jet-setting lifestyle that sees him flying around the world to race horses.

“I am an emotional person and I think one of the hardest things for me will be missing travelling,” he shared ahead of his entrance.

“I have spent 30 years away from my family and so I am used to that but I do love travelling. It will be difficult,” he confessed prior to entering the camp.

Despite this, he has vowed not to moan saying that he is “looking forward to the challenge of it all.”

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“It’s definitely sinking in now that I am doing I’m A Celebrity”, he said.

“This is going to be tougher than a horse race, it is going to be a challenge, but I am looking forward to it all. I am going straight from riding to the jungle. But you don’t get to do this every day so why not?

“There are a lot of things that are unique, it’s the jungle, a different environment, and you have to eat a lot of b******s!

“It’s also fun, demanding and I am going to meet a lot of new people. I am 100 per cent committed and I am not going to moan about what I am missing as I’m looking forward to the challenge of it all.”

The other campmates will learn tonight that they have new additions when they head to the ‘Scarena’ for a group trial.

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Frankie and fellow new campmate, former boxer Tony Bellew, are thrown straight into the deep end as they have to race to move pigs’ testicals from one end of an assault course to the other by carrying them in their mouths in a task called Don’t Drop The Ball.

An advance clip revealed by ITV shows them getting stuck into the challenge as the other campmates cheer them on.

Sadly, Tony has revealed that his nan died last week, just one day after he signed his contract for the show and the athlete explained that he only agreed to fly to Australia once he had received confirmation that he would make it back for her funeral.

“If I sign something, I honour my agreement. In an ideal world I would have left it but I had signed. I was coming, so I am here,” he told The Mirror.

“But I am going back to bury her on the 15th. I was going to renegade if I couldn’t move the burial date. I can bury her now when I get back.”

I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here is on ITV at 9pm nightly except Sturday when it airs at 9.30pm.

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