Romance story confirmed for Dee-Dee in Corrie as someone sets her heart aflutter

Since Dee-Dee Bailey (Channique Sterling-Brown) arrived in Coronation Street she’s been a busy woman. The hot-shot lawyer was soon settling in alongside Adam Barlow in his solicitor’s practice and she’s proved to be quite the asset in a street that sees more than its fair share of criminal activity – let’s not forget there’s an actual serial killer still on the loose, after all.

As a character Dee-Dee is feisty, fun and incredibly relatable with her down-to-earth manner and sometimes absent-minded and clumsy ways.

The show’s boss, Iain MacLeod, described the character when her arrival was first announced.

‘She’s the sort of person that will issue a kind of point-on-point take down of a team of hotshot lawyers to defend her client, but will then turn to leave the courtroom and you’ll realise that she’s done the whole thing with her skirt tucked into her knickers. She’s just amped up chaos in every regard apart from she’s got this incredibly sharp mind. But she’s loads of fun.’

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She’s quickly become a classic Corrie character and it’s no surprise that fans have taken her to their hearts. After being presented with the Best Newcomer Award at the 2023 British Soap Awards she reflected on the reception her character had had from the fans.

‘The fans have been brilliant, it’s been so positive and so nice,’ she said. ‘I feel like some people were a bit unsure at first, but the more solidified Dee-Dee’s got, the more they’ve taken to her, I’m very grateful for the positivity around the character!’

On the romance front, however, things have been a little quiet for Dee-Dee. The closest we’ve seen her get to a relationship was a flirtation with Damon Hay (Ciaran Griffiths). This went absolutely nowhere after Dee-Dee discovered he’d been dealing drugs through the bistro.

Damon didn’t give up easily, but Dee-Dee was most definitely not going to go there, because she’s a sensible woman with too much self-respect.

But in upcoming episodes she meets someone who might – just might – be in with a chance of catching her eye.

When Lauren Bolton (Cait Fitton) is arrested for causing criminal damage at the hairdressers, a worried Roy (David Neilson) immediately contacts Dee-Dee and asks her to help.

She arrives at the police station and it’s not long before duty solicitor Joel introduces himself. And Dee-Dee is quite pleasantly impressed with Joel. They have their jobs in common, for one thing, and he’s quite easy on the eye for another.

Could this be the start of something special for Dee-Dee?

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