The Repair Shop expert at wits end during frustrating restoration

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The Repair Shop expert Brenton West was left “frustrated” and struggling to restore a 1953 football trophy during a classic episode of the BBC series.

Guest Anthony Kennedy walked into the barn with his late father’s football trophy and explained: “This is a silver plaque from the 1953 FA Youth Cup final for Manchester United.

“My dad was part of the team and that is the plaque he was awarded. He played for Man U, it was the youth team.

“A massive honour and brilliant times, his name was Paddy Kennedy. He only had one team game but he went right through the ranks.

“That one game is in the record books and a massive honour for the family but he got a massive injury so his career finished at 26/27.

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“He passed away about 15 years ago, but he was a brilliant dad and really treasured this trophy but there are two bits missing so I would love to get it repaired.

“I have not seen it in its complete state since I was a toddler.”

Feeling the pressure, Brenton said: “Thank you for bringing this amazing trophy, I am really looking forward to it. It is quite amazing to be holding this little bit of history.”

After polishing the trophy, he explained: “I have done some research and I can see that I am missing the three lions shield, a plaque that says winners with the date and some beading around the outside.”

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Brenton soon hit a crossroads with trying to get the three lions badge back on the plaque and having it smoothed out with detail.

Frustrated, he said: “I have been trying to get a badge with the three lions on it, the right size for this trophy, I have tried coins, I have tried badges, I have tried brooches.

“None of them are quite right and I am sort of at my wit’s end and the FA have come in and helped and printed me this badge and I am going to make a mould of this badge and put it in a kiln and bake it.”

After his first idea didn’t work, Brenton exclaimed: “This is really frustrating, the detail is not good enough.

“It is just not crisp enough but I am absolutely determined to get the three lions back on that trophy.”

Brenton managed to work his magic and soon had the trophy ready for Anthony to pick up and take home.

Seeing the trophy for the first time, Anthony gasped and exclaimed: “Oh my god! Oh right… that really is shining.

“My dad would be so pleased honestly, he would be dead proud that we got this repaired and it looks fantastic.

“You have done a fantastic job and so pleased to see what it looks like cos I wouldn’t have had a clue, I can feel my dad smiling.”

The Repair Shop airs Wednesday from 8pm on BBC One.

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