As France set outs to ban vapes some in UK call for tougher measures

Could Britain be next to ban vapes? As France set outs to prohibit disposable ‘puffs’ and other countries crack down on them – how some in UK are calling for tougher measures

  • Campaigners have called for a ban on disposable e-cigarettes in Britain
  • READ MORE: Kids as young as EIGHT are hooked on vaping, shock data shows

Campaigners have called on Britain to follow countries including Australia and New Zealand in cracking down on e-cigarettes following new plans by France to ban disposable vapes by the end of 2023. 

More than 150,000 people have now signed a Greenpeace petition to ban disposable e-cigarettes after Britain’s local councils previously called for a ban on the ‘inherently unsustainable products’ that ‘blight our streets’. 

The Local Government Association (LGA) previously urged the UK to take action ‘to protect our planet, keep children safe and save taxpayers money’ as it warned vapes are ‘almost impossible to recycle’ and that they are being marketed to young people. 

Now, the French government has vowed to push ahead with its own plans to ban disposable e-cigarettes over claims they encourage smoking among young people. 

France’s plans follow the imposition of tough new restrictions imposed on vapes in both Australia and New Zealand, alongside plans put forward by countries including Germany and Ireland to crack down on e-cigarettes.   

France has vowed to ban disposable vapes as part of a national anti-smoking crackdown. It has not been announced when the ban will come into force yet

Elisabeth Borne (pictured), France’s prime minister, said in an interview with RTL radio that the government will soon unveil its new plan to combat smoking, which she said is the cause of 75,000 deaths a year in the country

French prime minister Elisabeth Borne said in an interview with RTL radio on September 3 that the French government is planning to unveil new plans to tackle smoking, which will include a ban on disposable vapes.

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Ms Borne said vapes ‘are giving bad habits to young people,’ as she said claimed smoking causes 75,000 deaths in France each year.  

‘It’s a reflex and a gesture that young people get used to. That’s how they get into smoking,’ she said.

France’s plans come amid a growing backlash against vapes, that has seen the EU propose plans to ban disposable e-cigarettes by the end of 2026.

Both Germany and Ireland have outlined their own plans to place restrictions on vapes, with the German government currently considering an outright ban on disposable e-cigarettes.  

Separately, Australia has put in place measures to make vapes available only to those who have prescriptions. 

New Zealand has also put in place restrictions that ban vape shops from being within 300 metres of a school and which ensure all vapes must have removable batteries. 

The UK’s LGA in July had previously called for similar measures to be put in place in Britain, in calling for vapes to be ‘banned on environmental and health grounds’. 

Greenpeace has launched a petition calling for a ban on disposable vapes that has been signed by more than 150,000 people

The LGA claimed 1.3million disposable vapes are thrown away in Britain each week

The body representing Britain’s local councils said disposable vapes are ‘almost impossible to recycle’ as it warned the flammable lithium batteries contained inside them pose a fire hazard for bin lorries. 

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The LGA claimed the 1.3 million disposable vapes that are thrown away each week are littering Britain’s streets. 

Environmental campaign group Greenpeace has also launched a petition calling for a ban on disposable vapes, in claiming they ‘are littering our communities, leaking chemicals into the environment and endangering local wildlife.’ 

Campaigners claim the sweet and fruity flavours available – including pink lemonade, gummy bear and watermelon – make vapes attractive to teenagers and young people. 

Vapes are currently sold in France at prices ranging from between 8-12 euros (£6.86-£10.29). 

An existing ban on the sale of electronic cigarette devices to those under 18 is not widely respected. Promoting or advertising such products is also banned.

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