Biden repeats same story almost word-for-word within minutes

Biden, 80, sparks more questions about his age and health by repeating the same story almost word-for-word TWICE in just a few minutes

  • Biden was speaking at a private fundraising event in New York on Wednesday
  • He told a story – twice – about how Charlottesville inspired him to run in 2020
  • He was speaking mostly from prepared notes

Joe Biden repeated the same story twice within minutes at a private fundraising event in New York, sparking further concerns about his age.

The story was one the 80-year-old president tells often about how events in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017, and the reaction of Donald Trump, inspired him to run for the White House.

On Aug 11, 2017 white supremacists and neo-Nazis descended on the city and clashes continued into the following day.

Biden, who was in New York for the United Nations General Assembly on Wednesday, attended a fundraising gathering hosted by food security expert Amy Goldman Fowler at her home.

Joe Biden in New York on Wednesday when he repeated the same story twice

White nationalists participate in a torch-lit march on the grounds of the University of Virginia ahead of the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Virginia on August 11, 2017

According to a White House pool report of the private event he began speaking just after 4pm in a living room in front of about two dozen people.

After briefly talking about his economic record he reflected on his decision to seek the presidency and ‘talked about the events of Charlottesville’ as the reason for his campaign, the report said.

”A few minutes later, he told the story again, nearly word for word,’ the report went on.

A spokesman for the Republican National Committee, commenting sarcastically on the report, said: ‘This is completely fine.’

Steve Guest, a former spokesman for Republican senator Ted Cruz, added: “This is normal…completely normal.’

An Associated Press poll last month found 77 percent of voters believe Biden is too old to be effective for four more years. That included 69 per cent of Democrats.

He has made a series of recent gaffes, including at the United Nations where he bumped into a Brazilian flag and then seemingly wandered off a stage failing to shake hands with Brazil’s president.

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