Horror as five-year-old boy is injured by exploding rogue firework

Horror as five-year-old boy is among several injured by exploding rogue firework which misfired and blew up in crowd gathered for bonfire display

  • Rocco, aged five, was ‘traumatised’ after a stray firework hit him in the face
  • Onlookers said there were screams of fear at the display in Stone, Staffordshire 

A five-year-old boy is among those injured by a rogue firework which misfired and blew up in a crowd which gathered to watch a bonfire display.

Emma Redley, 40, took her son Rocco to a bonfire event on Friday but the event soon descended into chaos when a stray firework shot into the crowd.

Rocco, aged five, was hit in the face by the rogue firework just a few minutes into the highly-anticipated display at Stone SP Cricket Club, Staffordshire.

The little boy was left ‘traumatised’ and – according to onlookers – screams of fear could be heard in the 3,000-strong crowd where several other spectators were hurt. 

The accident reportedly saw at least six people injured, including several children.

An injured person on a stretcher after the display at Stone Swynnerton Park Cricket Club, in Stone, Staffordshire, where a firework shot into the crowd and injured several people

The medical tent at Stone Swynnerton Park Cricket Club were on hand to deal with injuries

Pictured: Emma Ridley at the fireworks display in Stone, Staffordshire on Friday

Around 3,000 people were estimated to have witnessed the explosions at the event in Staffordshire, where a firework went rogue and went into the crowd

Ms Redley, from Stone, said Rocco was whisked away to the First Aid tent after a fragment of a firework hit him in the face.

She said: ‘Rocco wasn’t majorly physically injured in the end, but he was terrified.

‘It’s the first display I’ve ever taken him to and he’s told me now he never wants to see a firework again.

‘I keep reliving the moment, it was terrifying. I see it back in slow motion but it all happened so fast.

‘The worst thing is thinking that it could have been so much worse.’

Onlookers described hearing ‘instant screams’ as a firework shot into the crowd – which was when a burning fragment collided with Rocco.

Ms Redley said: ‘It was so, so scary seeing a firework shoot into the crowd – aiming straight for my son.

‘I saw him jolt then start screaming and grabbing his chin – I ran him to the first aid tent.’

There were reports that a flare landed in a baby’s pram and the mother threw it out

Children as young as five were among the injured following the malfunction at the display

After a brief pause to make an announcement requesting first aid, half the crowd walked out, with many of them in shock that the fireworks then resumed.

The 40-year-old said: ‘When Rocco heard the announcement the fireworks would resume, he freaked out.

‘He was absolutely terrified. He went as white as a sheet and went into shock.

‘That night he was scared to sleep because he could hear more fireworks outside.

READ MORE – Shocking moment fireworks explode in a crowd as at least six children as young as five and several adults are injured 

‘His physical injuries are ok but the mental scarring will stick with him.

‘What makes it so scary is that it could have gone so much worse. Just because nobody was seriously injured doesn’t make it ok.’

There were also reports that flares flew into a baby’s pram, with the mum flinging it out with her bare hands to save her child.

A mum-of-two alleged that a rock misfired so close to her that she was forced to ‘throw’ her daughter out of the firing line.

Both Stone Swynnerton Park Cricket Club and firework managers Monumental Fireworks refused to comment. The ambulance service have been contacted for comment.

Staffordshire Police confirmed they didn’t attend the incident.

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