More than 26,000 migrants have crossed Channel so far this year

More than 26,000 migrants have now crossed the English Channel in small boats so far this year, official figures show, after another 185 men, women and children arrived in Dover yesterday

More than 26,000 migrants have crossed the English Channel in small boats so far this year, new figures revealed today.

Six dinghies carrying 185 men, women and some children were intercepted by Border Force yesterday. 

They were the first to make the crossing in a week due to poor weather conditions, and were brought onshore at the Port of Dover. 

Yesterday’s arrivals take the number of migrants to arrive so far in 2023 to 26,168 in 552 boats. This compares to 45,755 in 2022 and 28,526 in 2021.

It came as food supplies were brought aboard the Bibby Stockholm in Portland in preparation for asylum seekers being returned to the vessel after Legionella was found in the water supply. 

Six dinghies carrying 185 men, women and some children were intercepted by Border Force yesterday, bringing the total arrivals for this year up to 45,755

The Home Office have said all necessary tests have been completed on the barge, which has been out of use since August.

Letters have been sent to asylum seekers confirming their re-embarkation, which will reportedly take place later this week.

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On Tuesday, a supply van was seen arriving at Portland Port, where the barge is moored, with food including fresh vegetables being brought on board.

A Home Office spokesman said previously: ‘The Home Office has started to send letters to asylum seekers to confirm the re-embarkation of the Bibby Stockholm and notify them that they will be accommodated on board, following the vessel completing all necessary tests.

‘The letters confirm the next steps for asylum seekers and reiterate that all asylum accommodation continues to be offered on a no-choice basis.

‘Delivering alternative accommodation sites, such as the vessel, is more affordable for taxpayers and more manageable for communities, due to healthcare and catering facilities on site, 24/7 security and the purpose-built safe accommodation they provide.’

The move comes after local councillor Carralyn Parkes lost a High Court fight with Home Secretary Suella Braverman over the lawfulness of housing of asylum seekers on the barge.

It came as food supplies were brought aboard the Bibby Stockholm in Portland in preparation for asylum seekers being returned to the vessel after Legionella was found in the water supply

The Home Office have said all necessary tests have been completed on the barge, which has been out of use since August

Mrs Parkes, who is from Liverpool, argued housing asylum seekers on the barge was a ‘breach of planning control’ and said there had not been ‘compliance’ with environmental impact assessment duties.

She also argued Mrs Braverman had not complied with duties under the 2010 Equality Act.

Lawyers representing Mrs Braverman said the challenge was made to a decision taken in April to house ‘destitute asylum seekers on a specially adapted’ barge.

They argued Mrs Parkes’s claim was ‘out of time’, ‘without merit’, and said the judge should refuse to give permission for the challenge to proceed to a trial.

Government lawyers said the local planning authority did not think planning permission was required.

They also argued there was no ‘general principle’ that housing ‘non-British asylum seekers’ together on a vessel was ‘unlawful’ under a public sector equality duty.

Mr Justice Holgate had considered arguments at a High Court hearing in London on Tuesday and ruled in the Government’s favour the following day, saying Mrs Parkes did not have an arguable case.

Six dinghies carrying 185 men, women and some children were intercepted by Border Force yesterday

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