Our dream £4k holiday in the Caribbean was ruined by BED BUGS

EXCLUSIVE – Our dream £4k holiday in the Caribbean was ruined by BED BUGS: Shocking photos reveal how NHS midwife and her partner were repeatedly bitten by pests while staying in luxury hotel

  • Stephanie and Carl changed rooms three times at the Riu Palace Bavaro resort
  • Carl was left bedridden for three days after being covered in bedbug sores 

An NHS midwife on a dream holiday with her partner had their Caribbean break ruined after bedbugs plagued their hotel for a week.

Stephanie Winfield, 33, and Carl Snowden, 39, jetted to the Dominican Republic earlier this month on a £4,000 two-week holiday and were looking forward to sun, sea and cocktails.

But instead of an idyllic break they had a nightmare as they were forced to change their room three times at the supposedly five-star Riu Palace Bavaro in Punta Cana.

Tiler Carl was left bedridden for three days after being covered in sores and unable to go an excursion leaving Stephanie to go on her own and even now two weeks after getting home still has the scars.

At one point Stephanie was also left locked in the bathroom after the handle fell of the door and a light fitting also fell from the ceiling narrowly missing them.

Stephanie Winfield, 33, and Carl Snowden, 39, (pictured together) jetted to the Dominican Republic earlier this month on a £4,000 two-week holiday and were looking forward to sun, sea and cocktails

But their holiday was ruined after bedbugs plagued their hotel for a week. Carl was left bedridden for three days after being covered in sores and unable to go an excursion

‘Carl came off worse with the bedbugs, he had them all over his arms and legs and even now he still has the scars and we have been back more than two weeks,’ Stephanie said. His bites are pictured

At one point Stephanie was also left locked in the bathroom after the handle fell of the door and a light fitting also fell from the ceiling narrowly missing them. She is pictured with Carl

The couple were forced to spend more than $100 in creams and antibiotics to treat the bites after hotel staff shrugged off their complaints and handed them a spray repellent.

While a mattress in a supposed ‘VIP room’ they were given was covered in ‘bodily fluids’ with staff just changing the sheets instead of the offending item.

Furious Stephanie, from Doncaster, told MailOnline: ‘It was supposed to be our first holiday together, we have only been seeing each other since December and it was ruined.

‘I had my birthday out there as well, but it was awful as Carl was covered in bites and had so much cream onto cover the bites he didn’t want to go out because people were looking at us.

‘We spent $100 dollars on creams and sprays, and I doubt we will get that back – it wasn’t a chap holiday either we paid £4,000 for the pair of us and it was advertised as five stars but it wasn’t worth more than two.

‘Carl came off worse with the bedbugs, he had them all over his arms and legs and even now he still has the scars and we have been back more than two weeks.

‘We complained to the rep and they said we weren’t the first people to raise it but the hotel and TUI were useless – I haven’t even had a reply from TUI.’

The couple’s first room had mould and rust in it and they were then moved again but the handle fell off the door and the light came away from the ceiling.

The couple were forced to spend more than $100 in creams and antibiotics to treat the bites after hotel staff shrugged off their complaints and handed them a spray repellent. They are pictured together during the trip

Stephanie (pictured) told MailOnline: ‘I had my birthday out there as well, but it was awful as Carl was covered in bites and had so much cream onto cover the bites he didn’t want to go out because people were looking at us’

The couple’s first room had mould and rust in it and they were then moved again but the handle fell off the door and the light came away from the ceiling. Carl is pictured on the holiday

The couple (pictured) had a nightmare as they were forced to change their room three times at the supposedly five-star Riu Palace Bavaro in Punta Cana

Stephanie said: ‘We went down to reception with the handle and the light and showed them and told them about the bed bugs and they didn’t really do anything at first.

‘It was only after we insisted that they moved us to the third room which they said was VIP but the bed bugs were still there and the mattress had bodily fluids on it.

‘They just changed the sheets and gave us a can of RAID but it didn’t really help. All in all, it was a really disappointing holiday which was such a shame as we wanted it to be special.’

Stephanie was also critical of the flight from the UK and said:’ TUI didn’t really look after us – it was an eight-hour flight and we were served just one drink which is ridiculous.

‘I’ve been all over the world and I went with Virgin last year and it was great, but this was a terrible experience.

‘When I asked the crew if we could have another drink they just laughed and said: “You aren’t going to die” and never came back. How poor is that’?

‘I’ve been in touch with TUI but I’ve heard nothing and I will think hard about using them again next holiday.’

Their awful holiday came just days after another British couple staying in a TUI resort in the Dominican Republic complained of seeing a body on the floor and people having sex in the pool.

Alan Stevens spent £3,000 for his break with his wife at the Riu Republica Hotel and were later offered £200 in vouchers as compensation which he branded as a ‘joke’.

Stephanie (pictured with Carl) said: ‘They just changed the sheets and gave us a can of RAID but it didn’t really help. All in all, it was a really disappointing holiday which was such a shame as we wanted it to be special’

Stephanie was also critical of the flight from the UK and said:’ TUI didn’t really look after us – it was an eight-hour flight and we were served just one drink which is ridiculous

On TripAdvisor the hotel gets a four star ‘very good’ rating but in recent days several visitors have left complaints about the condition of the rooms, with many highlighting mould and dirty mattresses. Carl is pictured at the resort

On TripAdvisor the hotel gets a four star ‘very good’ rating but in recent days several visitors have left complaints about the condition of the rooms, with many highlighting mould and dirty mattresses. 

One recent visitor called Ian wrote: ‘Avoid at all costs. Quite possibly one of the worst hotels I have ever stayed at. Dirty, unhygienic and outdated.

‘Check the mattresses as the majority are filthy and covered in mould. The room stank of damp. I had to change room twice.

‘The sheets had rust stains on them a clear indication of bedbugs. They also had bodily fluids on them. Not blood and not urine I might add.’

TUI have been contacted for a response.

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