MAFS Chanita Stephenson – Shona needs to wake up to Brads toxic behaviour

Following a tumultuous confessions week on Married At First Sight UK, our columnist Chanita Stephenson, who appeared on the show last year, has some confessions of her own after tuning in.

Despite appearing the picture-perfect couple following their wedding and stunning honeymoon, stars Shona Manderson and Brad Kelly's love bubble burst this week – leaving Chanita worried, as she has picked up on toxic tendencies.

While others have managed to turn things around and seem stronger than ever, 30 year old Chanita doesn't have high hopes for couples Nathaniel and Ella and Rosaline and Thomas.

Updating us on her thoughts from the week, the reality star also reveals who her favourite couples are so far…


Porscha and Terence have done a 360 this week after being at each other’s throats last time. They shocked me last week, they’re meant to be the most mature couple and were arguing over a spoon. The fact that they couldn’t solve it themselves and needed the experts is worrying because, while the experts are there for a reason and help when there are issues, children could have sorted out the spoon argument. I found it so cringe when Porscha was shouting across the table – some things need to be settled at home. They're back on track now, but who knows…

Wake up, Shona!

Shona and Brad spent last week peacocking in front of the group and trying to show off how strong they are, but it’s all come crashing down this week. I find their relationship really toxic and unhealthy and the last few episodes have shown their cracks. I think it’s starting to get concerning because while Shona seems like a lovely girl, she needs to see what we are seeing. It’s now becoming that Brad seems like he’s dominating her and she’s like, ‘yes Brad, no Brad, three bags full Brad’, she goes along with anything he says. It’s got to the point where she is losing herself which isn’t healthy. If it keeps going then it could tilt over to be controlling.

We saw Brad tell Shona to ‘shut up’ during Tuesday’s dinner party which was awful. That shows how he sees himself as superior. I’ve noticed that when she speaks, he doesn’t let her finish, minimising how she feels. I feel that they are going to come crashing and burning quickly, but I hope that they see sooner rather than later. They’re also isolating themselves from the other couples, and knowing from experience, you need more than just your partner in that situation. You become isolated if you only have them, especially when things aren’t so good. There are a lot of warnings and red flags with them two.

I don’t believe that they are in love either, I know I don’t know them but they’re saying it so much they seem to not know what it is. It’s so quick too, it reminds me of how quickly Matt and Whitney from last series fell in love, but at least they had spent time with each other and had deep chats.

Rozz and Thomas turn the tables

When Rozz and Thomas first came on the scene, I was really hoping they would be slow burners and be cute because they both seemed really nice. Then we found out during the last commitment ceremony that they had slept together, which gave me more hope, but I feel like Rozz has dashed all of my hope. She was really honest, which is good, as she told him about not feeling any different after sleeping together.

But I felt for Tom because that obviously is going to hurt someone. I think it’s interesting to see because, when it comes to sex, usually it’s the man who is seen to have the power while the girl has more emotions, but this has shown that women have sex and sometimes don’t have a connection – leaving the male vulnerable and upset. I think they’ll go soon. Commitment ceremonies are a bit like a dragon’s den so it can be intense in there, I think it’s good that Rozz was honest.

Dinner party dramas

We saw the dinner party during Tuesday’s episode and it was so dramatic – again. I love Jay and Luke together and I feel like they’re going to be quite outspoken in the group from what we saw last night. Luke didn’t hold back and called Brad out for sharing details about his and Shona’s sex life which I liked. You can tell he doesn’t like Laura though after calling her a gold digger and stuck up! Jay, Luke, Tasha and Paul are my top couples at the moment.

I don’t have much hope for Ella and Nathaniel anymore, it’s just not happening. At the dinner party I felt bad for Ella because her husband was sharing all this emotional information with the group and not her, when in the experiment, you’re meant to tell your spouse first. He doesn’t fancy her and it’s a shame because we saw them at the commitment ceremony last week when she asked if he did fancy her, and he stayed silent. Not answering says so much and is an answer in itself. That would have really upset me if Jordan had made it clear that he didn’t fancy me, so I felt for Ella.

We need to see more of Laura and Arthur, he’s been ill this week so he wasn't at the dinner party and it’s difficult to gauge where they’re at as a couple.

I feel like some people are trying to have their moment on camera at the dinner parties, which is frustrating because that’s not what the experiment is meant to be about.

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