Who is Cindy Williams Jr in EastEnders and what happened to her?

Cindy Jr in EastEnders

EastEnders will make reference to Cindy Williams Jr, following mum Cindy Beale’s (Michelle Collins) historic return from the dead.

Fans of the BBC One soap were rendered speechless earlier this year when it was confirmed that Cindy Sr would stage an unprecedented comeback, despite having been killed off decades ago.

Clever writing and a retcon or two, however, revealed that Cindy didn’t actually die, but rather she was taken into witness protection after turning informant on cellmate Jackie Ford, who was wanted by authorities at the time.

The popular character has therefore been living abroad, away from the prying eyes of all those who knew her a lifetime ago. But with Jackie Ford having died, Cindy is finally free to live her life as she pleased, meaning that she could return to Walford if she wanted to.

Incredible scenes last week saw the icon arrive back in London for the first time in 25 years, intent on reuniting with loved ones and making past mistakes right, with her having already connected with son Peter (Thomas Law), who previously believed her to be dead.

Peter’s twin sister Lucy (Hetti Bywater), as fans will recall, tragically died nine years ago, meaning that Cindy never had the opportunity to get to know her, which she will have to live with.

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Her other children include Anna and Gina Knight (Molly Rainford and Francesca Henry), who both arrived in the Square earlier this year, having no clue that it used to be their mum’s old stomping ground.

Cindy is therefore set to reconnect with her girls later in the week. That only leaves Cindy Jr, who has been notably absent from this historic return storyline. The character, however, receives a mention in upcoming scenes, and if you’re struggling to recall who she is then fear not, as we’ve got you covered!

Who is Cindy Williams Jr in EastEnders and what happened to her?

Cindy Williams Jr is the daughter of Cindy Beale and Nick Holland.

She was first introduced in 1998, after news that Cindy had died delivering her in prison while serving a sentence for trying to murder Ian (Adam Woodyatt).

Nick wanted nothing to do with Cindy Jr, who was sent to live with grandmother Bev and aunt Gina in Devon. Ian, however, couldn’t help but feel some responsibility towards the child and therefore wanted to ensure she was looked after properly, with Gina, who couldn’t have children of her own, subsequently granted custody.

After appearing sporadically as a baby between 1998 and 1999, Cindy left the Square, before making a one-off appearance in 2007.

Cindy Jr would return to Walford in 2013, with Sex Education star Mimi Keene taking over the role, as the character got to properly know her siblings Peter, played by Ben Hardy at the time, and Lucy.

She struggled to fit in and often felt unloved and unwanted, blaming herself for her mum’s tragic ‘death’. A one night stand with TJ Spraggan (George Sargeant) son followed, with her subsequently discovering that she was pregnant.

Cindy Jr and TJ decided to raise the baby together, much to the dismay of their families, with Cindy Jr feeling like second best to Lucy, who she believed that Ian favoured over her.

The character was written out after Ian sent her back to Devon, but she subsequently returned for the funeral of Lucy, who was tragically killed as part of the show’s 30th anniversary.

Cindy Jr played a key role in the Who Killed Lucy storyline, knowing Ian was lying about his alibi on the night of the crime. She later gave birth, with Ian by her side as she delivered daughter Beth, moving back into No 45 Albert Square after the experience bonded the two of them together.

Cindy Jr struggled to bond with Beth and considered allowing Jane (Laurie Brett) and Ian to raise the baby, but once the truth about the former’s involvement in covering up Lucy’s murder was revealed, she reconsidered, giving the pair of them an ultimatum, ordering them to send Beth away otherwise she would spill the beans about what happened to Lucy.

Beth subsequently left with TJ, who departed the Square to live with his family in Milton Keynes.

Max Branning (Jake Wood), meanwhile, was charged with Lucy’s murder, and Bobby tried to smash his car, with Cindy intercepting, ordering him to stop. Bobby, however, became violent, pushing Cindy into the exact spot where Lucy died.

Liam, who was dating Cindy at this stage, was stunned when he found out that Bobby had killed Lucy and thus he resorted to blackmail, ordering Ian to hand over a large sum of cash to keep them quiet – so that they could leave the Square together.

Cindy, meanwhile, tried to alert Bobby to the fact that he was the one who killed Lucy, sending him an email with a video message attached. Sharon (Letitia Dean), however, managed to delete the message before Bobby could see it, with Ian getting in touch with Cindy Jr to order her to stay away.

Liam, meanwhile, staged a return in 2021, with actor Alfie Deegan taking over the role, and it was made clear that he and Cindy were still an item.

EastEnders continues Monday August 28 at 7:30pm on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.

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